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Dark Crusade

katana + Sexiton vs ello_there + weatherby_243

#1GW_Fingolfin  Jul 3 2007, 11:40 AM -
Replays: 82 Game:
Original Topic here

Replay Review by GW_Sniper:


General Overview:

A Brilliant Slug-fest with every skill on display. Excellent Micro, Great Macro, Precise Unit Choices and Fast Techs, this game has it all!
Eldar and Ork ally together to smash the imban00bcrons (lol) and the Space Marines very well. Watch the great teamwork in this one!

Watch! As a large attack force is outflanked and almost wiped out and they recover on the counter attack!
Admire!As a Big Mek and Nob Squad WTFPWN Spammed Necron Warriors!
Gasp! As you watch those Fragons decimate a dreadnought in seconds!
Eat! Popcorn while your watching this because it is that damn good!


Team 1-Weatherby_243 (Space Marines) + ello_there (Necrons)

General Overview:

Good Teamwork with two completely different strategies that complemented each other perfectly. Some poor micro at times and constant spamming/slow teching from the crons cost you the game. Some sneaky tactics almost snared you the game however!

Team Analysis:

Good teamwork with complementing strategies, always helped one another out when in trouble. Necrons should have built a gen in the SM base so he can summon his warriors there when SM was in trouble. This could have helped you out many a time!


-Uber Tech surprised enemy
-Good Teamwork
-Good Surprise attack in back of enemy base
-Constant Flow of Vehicles
-Amount of Gens allowed easy build of vehicles.

-Build Order. Scout Snipers is very well, but why did you not use them? You didn’t put them to great effect at all, no hit and run attacks, no targeting builders, merely camping and they got duly slaughtered.
-Could have stopped early centre point cap by Team 2 if you had used your snipers!!!
-Turret built in back of base……..? why? The forces weren’t going that far, a waste of time and req.
- -100 points for pretending to be a noob lol

Player Rating: 6


-Good early attack against the ork/elder forces plunging into your allies base.
-Good BO, amount of gens perfect.
-Great port into enemy base---FO Drop

-Wrong Units for situation, Destroyers could have helped you immensely.
-Why build Immortals when no vehicles were against you?!
-Wasted NL teleport early on
-Lost NL cheaply several times
-Late Forbidden Archive
-Very Very Very Slow tech
-Changed you BO after starting it….cost you time
-Should have secured the relic with NW rather than standing idly around your base.
-Several Idle Scarabs----Decap Relic?!
-Spammed Necron Warriors when they were clearly useless by that point.

Player Rating: 5

Team Rating : 6


Team 2-Sextion (Eldar) + Katana (Orks)

General Overview:
Well Played by two players who have obviously played together before as it showed in your gameplay. Good Micro, Great Macro with a steady tech pace, you always presented the right units for the right situations and dealt with hazardous situations v.well.

Team Analysis:

Great Teamwork, Complemented each other nicely, good ganging up on the Space Marine as well.


-Generally Good Micro/Macro
-Solid Tech Speed
-Researched upgrades to scale units
-Good usage of Fragons to null his vehicle spam

-Forgot to Take FoF off now and then, FoF on reduces accuracy, remember that
-Didn’t Anticipate the NW spam and took some casualties due to outflanking while you were in SM base.

Player Rating: 7


-Good Micro/Macro
-Solid Tech Speed, Great attacking forces
-Good usage of BM Teleport with Nobz
-Anticipated a backdoor attack in your base and so spread out your base building Mek Shop by the LP and PoG by the Relic.
-Teched to Big Shootas soon, worked a treat

-Almost lost Shoota squad to poor micro
-Vehicles came a little bit too late on your part I reckon.

Player Rating : 7

Team Rating : 7

Great Game overall!

Game Rating : 7
Entertainment Rating : 8

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Jul 3 2007, 11:48 AM
#2BigSimo  Jul 5 2007, 04:48 AM -
Good review thumb.gif

i shall watch the game!
#3Saintjester  Jul 5 2007, 16:11 PM -
Replays: 0
That Plump Tomato is a real ass, there was no need to offend the other players at all. Great replay though biggrin.gif
#4VaultDweller7  Jul 5 2007, 17:35 PM -
Replays: 67
ur a dumbass if you think that biggrin.gif
#5Gw_xRaMPaGE  Jul 6 2007, 22:01 PM -
Replays: 51 Game:
Did ya like meh review kat u noob?
#6VaultDweller7  Jul 6 2007, 23:30 PM -
Replays: 67
haha it was 1337pwn tongue.gif It had pretty good observations for the most part
#7RayS23  Jul 8 2007, 23:23 PM -
Replays: 0
Boring as hell... 0wn3d.gif Replay of the Week? Not @ all u0udiablo.gif No T1 Aktion, a little T2 Bashing and turreting, awful "Gameplay" (more teching than playing) from ello and weatherby.
#8xKaizenMax  Jul 9 2007, 05:36 AM -
Replays: 8 Game:
I'll be watching, methinks.
#9Gw_xRaMPaGE  Jul 9 2007, 11:38 AM -
Replays: 51 Game:
Boring as hell... 0wn3d.gif Replay of the Week? Not @ all u0udiablo.gif No T1 Aktion, a little T2 Bashing and turreting, awful "Gameplay" (more teching than playing) from ello and weatherby.

What the hell? Do u even play this game?!?

This was a great match!

"More teching than playing", watch the rep and ull see, there was fast teching by ONE player, ONE PLAYER does not equal the entire game!

"No T1 Aktion"


"A Little T2 Bashing and Turreting"


Yes Ello and Weatherby played worse than Kat and Sextion but they still gave a good fight and it was a great fight, WATCH THE REP, u obviously havent watched it if u post stuff like this
#10Gw_xRaMPaGE  Jul 9 2007, 11:39 AM -
Replays: 51 Game:
1299 downloads..........OMG
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