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Dark Crusade

Waaaghkayyin (Orks) vs. Divine Boy (Tau) on Battle Marshes

#21yablinked  Apr 20 2007, 16:39 PM -
Replays: 0
I think I remember seeing a few of his games being posted on dow sanctuary, although don't remember if it was him posting them or not.
#22CaptainJewpiter  May 18 2007, 01:42 AM -
Replays: 3
k ......... neither one of the players knew what they were doing they both kinda suck alot .... and orks are supposed to be an aggressive race and he played turtle style....and that storm boy harass sucked he didn't even harass until tau was already t2 ........ this game seriously didnt deserve rotw :"( this was not a very entertaining game.......
#23sextion  May 18 2007, 17:57 PM -
Replays: 1
WEWT, well said. It was an ok game, don't know how it got RoTW though. Makes me wonder how Dev got as high am as he does.
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