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Dark Crusade

[R]Eldar vs SM on Battle Marshes

#1Nadaver  May 17 2007, 19:44 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
ok i actually managed to have a game today! yay!

i played against sm, started with normal GU harrass followed by reaps, he had me on siege while we both teched and his HB+ lauzy scouts for tie up just ripped me apart... =\

please review this and tell me whats wrong

#2Czin644  May 17 2007, 21:17 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Hi I just watched your rep (note: I'm not a reviewer) and saw some pretty critical problems. Mostly you fought him on his terms where as you had LP2s to defend your base. With FoF you could have looped around the map and hit him from behind to push him into pumping marines instead of teching so fast. Being that you did fast tech; As soon as you started your uber upgrades you attacked. Its generally a good idea to attack AFTER the upgrades take effect. ^^

Now my eldar game is pretty piss poor and borderline embarrassing so I wont get into any detail but reapers are one of my hardest fights using SM. Generally they are scarier if you have lots of them (as opposed to a single squad) even if just t1. Lastly Physic Inquisition (grey knight spell) does a silly amount of damage over the full duration (30 seconds) so standing in it is out of the question.

Hope that helps!
#3Nadaver  May 19 2007, 10:08 AM -
Replays: 14 Game:
thanks for comment but 1. i didnt stand in the spell
2. you dont have to be a good player to be a good reviewer. we are in need of RRs. you can apply if you want (in my sig)
3. your right, i have many problems during game. not the best player lol
#4ender198  May 19 2007, 10:10 AM -
Replays: 42 Game:
I will watch it and if you ever want any practice games plz PM me. I need to work on my vs eldar game.
#5Nadaver  May 19 2007, 10:46 AM -
Replays: 14 Game:
sure mate thanks for the proposition
#6ender198  May 20 2007, 03:51 AM -
Replays: 42 Game:
Heres a review put together by me. Hope it helps smile.gif :
Review By: ender101
Nadaver gets 3 guardian squads and harasses but is beaten back by marines. The marines camp outside Nadavers base in heavy cover while waiting for reinforcements. Nadaver tries to break out on several occasions but fails. The game ends when Kamarada gets heavy bolters and grey knights and eliminates Nadavers base.

Good try harasing with guardians. Would of worked if he hadnt taken that point. Your micro and macro are pretty good its just what you are spending your resources on. You shouldnt have gotten three squads of guardians for such a small map. It put you back a lot. You should also try to get your lp's up faster since the boost they give to your economy is important, they also give you 50 req. when finished. By putting them up faster you could of bought more troops which you needed despratly. Cover has no effect in melee so some banshees would of helped get those marines out. It also would of stopped them from firing. On a side note use the harlequins kiss before dance of death because the guys are compressed so you hurt more of them. The last thing is that with eldar if you cant attack one place just fleet your guys to another place and attack there. You did this in the end but it was after he had grey knights so it didnt work.
  • Build more troops
  • Fight the enemy on your own terms, attack where he isnt, make him take his guys out of cover etc.
  • Uncap whenever possible
  • Use cover more
  • get listening posts faster
Kamarada/Space Marines
Your play was pretty sturdy but theres still a lot you can improve on. Its good you shouldnt upgrade them all until you have teched. It takes too much money and usually your opponent will out tech you. Upgrade a few, tech, then upgrade the rest. Second, its important to be offensive in Dawn of War. You could of beat Nadaver way earlier or stunted his growth a lot by attacking him with your marines instead of waiting for heavy weapons. Remember the longer you leave your enemy alone the more chance they have of making a sizable army to crush yours. Last try to get more squads of marines over lots of marines in a squad. More squads means more heavy weapons and its harder to tie lots of squads up in melee.
  • Find a balance between upgrading lp's and teching
  • Tech faster
  • Be more offensive
Replay Rating: 4
#7Nadaver  May 20 2007, 11:05 AM -
Replays: 14 Game:
thanks for the review buddy!
actually i disagree with a few things you said about me...
the 3 guard idea was 2 guards capping and the first 1 goes to harrass followed by reaps. it especially works on small map...
and the lp's were kinda mistake cus i had no money... spending is a problem yea
#8mikkerthebhu1  May 20 2007, 13:20 PM -
Replays: 9 Game:
A quick advice when doing 3 GU on small maps, is to take the 2 first squads and assault with them. Not one, but two! Guardians scale very badly into t2 and t3. So you want to make as much of them in t1 as posible. But the map you played is not very good for eldar in t1, since they can get bottlenecked and slaughtered so fast. Falcons are pretty sweet for this map.
#9Nadaver  May 20 2007, 13:45 PM -
Replays: 14 Game:
yeah but if they are easily slaughtered in T1, getting to tier 2.5 for falcons is pretty tough
#10ender198  May 21 2007, 06:52 AM -
Replays: 42 Game:
Np. I knew the guardians were for harassing but the harass failed so they were kinda not worth it. Of course there was no way for you to know he was gonna take the outside point first. Anyways the big thing was not having enough troops.
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