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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

flotay ( s_d ) vs luke ( Anarky )

#1flotay  Jun 6 2008, 19:36 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
ligue interclan saison 3
#2djj07  Jun 10 2008, 16:52 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
Ok. I'll give this a quick review but first, please write in English so that everyone can understand what you mean with your text.

flotay (UEF) vs AnarKy_LuKe (Cybran) - 0:07:50

Game started quite slowly since neither one of the players did any early raiding thus allowing unprotected engineer expansion. LuKe decided to move his ACU to the bottom right corner of the map while flotay decided to use his ACU for building his base. Both players had below average build orders. They didn't stall mass or energy but they built too much power too early and not enough factories and units. LuKe didn't use his ability to build Jesters even though he built AF relatively fast.

During the mid game phase LuKe managed to take majority of the mass points and he started to use his improved economy for upgrading his LF to T2. Flotay didn't upgrade but built up his T1 army and managed to take the map back from LuKe who didn't have enough units.

LuKe noticed that he will be overrun by T1 units if he doesn't do something. He decided to attack flotay's base with his ACU while starting T2 AF upgrade (WTF?). Flotay stopped LuKe's advance and killed his ACU.


Below average game due to a lack of aggressive harassing and wasted upgrades by LuKe.

flotay, here are couple tips you can use to improve.
- You built too much power during the first couple minutes of the game. I'd start with something like this:
ACU: LF, PG, 2xMEX, 2nd Engy assist for awhile, ACU forward.
1st Engy: 2x MEX, reclaiming, expansion
2nd Engy: Hydro, 3xLF, 3xPG, LF,.....
3nd Engy: expansion
- You need to decide if you're going for early raiding or if you're going to defend your expansion engineers. If you choose to raid, build LABs and land scouts. If you choose the latter you should build some land scouts and Strikers/LABs to defend those engineers.
- Use your ACU to kill units. _PINK said it quite well "If he's in your base, he has the power of 2 engineers. If he's out taking territory, he has the power of 20 tanks. Do the math."
- You should also have one T1 radar in your base. The one in the middle part of the map is quite fragile.
- Do not attack if you're not going to inflict some serious damage. You're tanks are not meant to be a mass delivery service for your opponent wink.gif
- You should scout Cybran base very early because of the possibility of Jesters.

Good luck with your future games!
This post has been edited by djj07: Jun 23 2008, 14:03 PM
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