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2on2 Teamplay*

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# 1GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:18 PM
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A guide to 2on2's by Fingolfin and Sniper



General Tips
Special Combinations



Doom Spiral
Ice Flow
Panrea Lowlands
Jaunus Savanah
Dread Peak
Gor'heal Crater
Biffy's Perill




This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 25 2007, 09:01 AM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 2GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:20 PM

There are two main strategies when playing 2on2's; the Double team or the double 1on1; both tactics have their strengths and weaknesses and which to use varys on the map, your opponents and your opponents races. Listed below are the two strategies along with pros and cons, when to use them and how to perform them effectively.


Double Team

The most effective 2on2 method is easily the double team; it is less reliant on individual player skill and uses brute force and unit numbers to cripple an opponent. The double team tactic is simple in execution and requires both team members to rush a single opponent with their tier one force to cripple their economy and army. When using a double team attack it is important to coordinate your attack otherwise one ally could be overpowered without support. Futhermore it is important to attack Listening posts, Generators, Builders and Capping units first; leave harder structures such as Barracks and HQ till later tiers otherwise you could waste time and give the other enemy time to tech up. The best force compisition for a double rush is two heroes and four or six tier one squads such as Tactical Squads or Firewarriors; this force will easily overwhelm anything your enemy can produce. When attacking, choose a suitable path that both ally's can easily get through, also try and attack at two different points to split your enemies defending force.


- Cripples a single enemies economy and tier one force, effectively taking them out of the game.
- Boosts your own economy: capping enemy points and building LP's on them.
- Deters attacks from the enemy; one player will be totally ruined, the other enemy will have to either try and help his parter or tech up.
- Allows you to dictate the pace of the game and what strategy your enemy has to take.


- Leaves one ally's base vulnerable to a counter attack from the free enemy.
- Encourages other enemy to tech up quickly; T2 units could over powe your combined forces if you overspend and dont tech up.

When to use

- On the following maps: Doom Spiral, Jaunus Savanah, Panrea Lowlands, Biffys Perill, Dread Peak, Tiboraxx, Saints Square, Gor'heal Crater
- When one enemy has a stronger tier one race i.e. Space Marine or Eldar
- When one enemy is likely to tech fast i.e. Chaos, Necron
- When facing strong opponents to neagate their individual skill.


Double 1on1

Instead of performing a powerful double attack, you can also perform two single attacks to tie up and harass both enemies at the same time. This approach to a 2on2 is more reliant on individual player skill rather than combined teamwork and brute power. If you are both confident in your abilities then a double 1on1 is a good tactic. It can stop your enemy helping each other and takes out both players at the same time rather than totally crippling a single opponent. You can do this with any race combination, however it is reconmended to do it with good rushing races such as Tau and Eldar, or powerful T1 races such as Marine or Necron. When using a double 1on1 tactic it is important to coordinate your attack so both ally's attack roughly at the same time; this stops your enemies coming to each others aid. As with the double attack strategy, you should attack Capping units, builders and then listening posts and generators, as well as any tier one units. Maintaining a steady eco and tech speed are very important as in a normal 1on1; you need to economy to maintain your attack, and tech to scale your units and hold the pressure.


- Takes both enemies out of the game and puts them on the defensive.
- Stops your enemies helping each other and teaming up on one player.
- Allows for full map control and dictation of the game pace.
- Stops your own bases being harassed.


- Not as powerful as a double team attack.
- Relies on individual skill rather than teamwork and power.
- If one player is overwhelmed or their attack repelled then their enemy could then help out fight back the second attack.

When to use

- On the following maps: Ice Flow, Into the Breech, Torrents, Mountain Trail
- When your enemies are weaker skilled individually and better as a team.
- When facing and enemy with a weaker tier one race such as Imperial Guard or Chaos

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 24 2007, 15:31 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 3GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:20 PM
General Tips

When playing teamgames, you should be prepared for all eventualities, people will use underhand tactics and abusive strategies to win; some teams have set tactics and double combinations that they use to take down high skilled players, be wary and communicate with your ally. This is the most important factor of a teamgame; communication, if you just play your own game without watching what your ally is doing then you will not do as well and could quickly be taken down.



Good communication in a 2on2 or any teamgame is vital for sucess. Each player on the team should be constantly checking what their ally's are doing and how they can help them out. When playing a teamgame you should always be aware of the following:

- Your allies race
- Your allies build order
- Your allies starting attack force
- Your allies tech position
- What units they are building

Keep checking and communicating using the chat funnction to check these things out. If you do not know these things then you can end up making poor decisions such as buying anti armour when your ally already has a Fire Dragon squad building, or attacking a base without support because your ally is teching up. Knowing these things really helps, especially with force composition and what to build to compliment your ally's force.



For any teams or clans wishing to improve their communication and teamwork, Teamspeak is a very useful program. Teamspeak is a voice program that allows you to talk using microphones during an online game. There are public servers hosted by the company itself that anyone can join and make channels in, alternatively if you are lucky enough to have your own server, a Teamseapk channel can be set up for permenant use.

This is particuarly effective for use in DoW:DC as it saves time typing messages to your ally's; this can be time consuming and detract your attention from what is hapeneing in the game. Using Teamspeak allows a player to fully play a teamgame while communicating with their ally effectively, Micro and Macro managment become much easier as you only have to press a single button to talk. You can download the program here, this is an esential item for any clans wisjing to improve their teamgames.



Preparation before teamgames helps greatly to coordiante your attacks, plan of action and teamwork. While the game is loading, you should be communicating with your ally and discussing what build orders you are going to do and what units you plan to use at the start. The following things should be decided while the game is loading:

- Attack pattern: i.e. Double attack or 2 1on1's
- Who to attack: which opponent are you attacking and where from?
- Build order: what units are you using in tier one
- Likely opposing units: discuss what you think your enemies will build and possible coutners for them.
- Likely oposing plan: discuss what strategies your enemy is likely to chose and who they will attack first.

Discussing these things before a game loads will make you prepared for battle and you will know exactly what you are doing; not planning your start off unit choice can waste valuable time at the start of a game and give your oppoenent chance to gain the upper hand. Anticipating who your opponent is going to attack first and what units they will choose allows you to make suitable counters and plan your attacks.


Race Choice

Choosing your races in teamgames is very important. Although this should not matter if the game was perfectly ballanced, it can cause probles and some races simply do not go well together or some races should not be chosen against others. Try and choose races that compliment each other, and races that fare well against what your opponents have chosen. The following races work well together with a brief explanation:

Tau/Eldar: Vespid/Tau Commander and Double Reaper is a really hard tier one puss that can cripple an opponent in the first few minutes.

Marine/Marine: Double tactical mass with Force commanders is possibly the strongest tier one combination.

Tau/Necron: Necron Lord/Flayed with Firewarriors/TC is a powerful combo of morale breaking with melee combat combined with ranged firepower.

Thse combinations are very good, however use them carefully and plan out your attacks carefully; any combination can be beaten however strong it is. There are many combinations that do not work well and races to stay away from when playing another race as described below:

Marine against Eldar: due to the farily hard matchup in 1on1 this also carries true for teamgames and generally unless a double marine combination is used then they should not be used against Eldar.

Tau against Necron: again due to the fairly hard matchup in 1on1, Necron make it hard for Tau enemies in teamgames too. Flayed can break the Firewarriors and render them useless.



When training there are several things you can do to improve your teamwork and skills on Dark Crusade in general. If you have several friends then playing Random teams encourages teamwork and interaction; this is particuarly useful for clans as it brings everyone together and allows multiple people to work on their teamwork at the same time. Furthermore random races can be used to help improve peoples knowledge of how to counter different units and help if they are weak with a certain match-up or team combination.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 24 2007, 14:44 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 4GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:21 PM
Special Combinations

There are quite afew team specific builds that would not normally work in a 1on1, or are very risky in a 1on1 due to their reliance of a partner or req heavy pattern. Listed below are a select few builds and combinations that can be used to deadly effect in teamgames, note that these should generally not be used in 1on1 games. Any combination works well when used properly and with good coordination from your team mate, the tactics listed below have extra punch and are specific instead of vague builds that could cause problems.

Triple Reaper Build

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This is a hard hitting strategy and when combined with a second strong tier one force you can totally devastate an enemy in a short time. This tactic is simple and requires the Eldar to build three reaper squads at the start; this works best with no generator so you can quickly get the three squads out quickly, however if your ally donates 100 requisition then the Eldar can get a generator and the three squads allowing them to get leaders for all three squads also. The key to this build is speed and you need to send the Reaper squads in straight away along with your allies T1 units. Kill capping units and builders first and then any tier one units and LP2’s. This build works extremely well with a Tau ally; if the Tau goes for Vespid and Tau Commander you can totally smash an enemy’s base in a few minutes; using the Vespid Solar can disrupt any T1 units while the Reapers pick them off with the Tau Commander providing supporting fire and breaking morale with the flamer.

Space Marine Tactical Mass

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This is possibly the hardest double strategy available and when use correctly it can annihilate the opposing team effectively. Basically both players take Marine and get a Force commander and 3x tactical squads; it is important to not build a generator at the start as the extra req can be used on reinforcements or an extra tactical squad. Build a Tactical Squad first, then a force commander and then more tactical squads. Both players send the first tactical squad in to one enemy base followed by the other squads. You can also send one of your Scout squads in to decap and to provide extra firepower (make sure your points are capped first). It is important to not over reinforce your squads as your eco could be smashed and you both still need to tech up at a steady pace to get heavy weapons for your squads. This strategy works really well as tactical squads are a hardy unit and have good building damage to; you can quickly take down the enemy’s base and still tech up.

Tau Commander/Vespid

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A very abusive strategy and your enemy will most likely whine or complain if you pull it off right. Basically both players perform a Tau Commander and Vespid rush on a single enemy base to totally cripple them in the first few minutes. Both players should use their Vespids to take down a generator using one shred, and then a listening post or barracks using the second shred, the Tau Commanders can break enemy squads allowing for the Vespids to melee them. It is important to bring Firewarrior reinforcements as soon as possible; if both players bring one squad in then you have a powerful attack force and should then be able to tech at a reasonable pace. Watch out for the second enemy quick teching; if they see double Vespid and TC they could try to pull a fast tech to vehicles out; once you have shattered the first enemy and have Firewarriors in their base, it is advisable to proceed to the next base using your jetpacks to cause damage their too.

Building Defence

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A simple but very effective method of defending both bases from early harass; many teams overlook this simple strategy however it is really effective and an keep your economy steady during the early game. Basically one ally has to be Ork or Imperial Guard, at the start the Ork/Imperial Guard builds their barracks in front of their ally’s headquarters, and their ally builds their own barracks behind the Ork/Imperial Guard headquarters. This provides a double defence mechanism of keeping both allies base safe from harass due to the building guns or garrisoning fire. Each ally uses their own builders to create their partners barracks, and it is important to let your partner know as soon as the barracks is built. Orks are by far the best for this tactic as their building guns are automatic, whereas Imperial Guard require troops or builders garrisoned inside.

Necron Defence

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When playing as Necron in a 2on2 it is a good idea to build a couple of generators in your allies base; firstly it reduces the chance of your eco being totally smahsed if you get rushed; you will still have some generators in your ally's base for income. At the start use your first scarab builder to shift build one of two generators behind your ally's HQ; make sure that your ally builds them as you can then use the scarabs to quickly cap your points. The second thing about building generators in your ally's base is the teleport ability; when you have a summoning core, your Necron Warriors and Flayed have the ability to teleport back to any non turret building; you can teleport your squads back quickly to help defend your ally from strong attacks. This can be used when attacking enemy bases also; building listening posts on enemy points allows you to summon squads quickly into the enemy base (nost necron squads are slow moving).

Cultist Grenades

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A really useful and devastating team-game tactic; cultist squads on ranged stance armed with grenades can stop most T1 forces using their range and knock back area of effect. The build is as follows: from the HQ que a heretic and then four cultist squads, your heretics build an armoury and then two generators. Your cultist squads cap your base points. When the armoury is built buy the Heavy Weapons upgrade and then give your squads plasma. Reifnorce the squads by a couple of squad members and then switch to ranged stance and send them in. Your ally should have a hard tier one mass like tactical squads or reapers; for extra firepower and to provide a meat shield for the weak armoured cultist squads. The Chaos player should get a good eco with plenty of LP2 and then tech up to T2, at T2 get a barracks and give your cultist squads invisibility and Champions with Plasma pistols. This build is especially effective against the slow moving necrons; the knock back keeps them stranded and four squads can easily take down a NW mass or flayed with decent micro.

Marine Scout Snipers

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A very useful build in 2on2, one person plays Marine and goes for Scout snipers, while their ally gets a large tier one force to work as a screen to the Scouts. The builder order should be as follows: from the HQ get a builder then either three of four scout squads, the builders make an armoury and generator. Research the sniper upgrade and then give your scout squads snipers; after this you should upgrade your LP and tech up. Send your scout squads behind your allies main force as a morale breaking and infantry damaging support unit. The main advantages of this strategy are quick tech speed and powerful morale breaking. However you have to watch your squads and your ally should try and keep them safe with their force. Snipers work best with other long ranged squads such as Ork shoota squads or a Marine tactical mass. Becareful to keep your scouts alive as they are only a capping unit with 4 squad members.

Quick Techs

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There are many different quick techs, most of which are risky to use in 1on2 games as your eco can be totally smashed if your opponent catches onto your tactic. In teamgames however, it can work very well providing your ally pushes hard into an enemy base, forcing your opponents to defend rather than attack. The most notable quick techs are as follows: Space Marine Grey Knight tech, Eldar Harlequin tech, Imperial Guard Hellhound tech and the Chaos Quick Hard tech. When using any of these t is important to let your ally know of your plan, otherwise you could be overun by the enemy. Make sure you get a good eco (you will have the req to as you will not buy many, if any T1 troops), with Lp2 for extra defence and use your capping squads well.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 24 2007, 12:31 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 5GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:21 PM
Doom Spiral

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Strategic Points: 14
Relics: 0
Critical Locations: 1

Point Layout: Each base was three points in a triangular formation around the headquarters. The final two strategic points are situated in the middle, above and below the critical location which is directly in the middle of the map.

Other features: One player on each team has easy access to the critical location and middle strategic points. Base attacks can be coordinated through the middle or down the sides.


A desert map with a decent amount of easily accessible strategic points, no relics and only one critical location; the base points can be capped in the first few minutes and the middle points should be decided on by the team. A fairly open and barren map, there is only one feature which is a desert hill in a circular shape in the middle of the map. This surrounds the critical location and middle points. Jump troops can jump over it for easy access to the enemy base. Massed troops can fit easily down the sides and through the middle and the only real choke point is in the base; the small base areas make it quite confined. Double attacks are easily executed on this map due to the open layout and diagonal paths to opposing bases. Note that as their is no relic, you cannot get super units such as the Bloodthirster on this map.


This map is ideal for a double attack; the open map and square formation means that if two players attack the same base, then their first squads will reach the enemy at the same time. You can then quickly take out the enemies capping squads and builders and cripple his economy in a short time. A Hero and one tier one squad each is a solid double attack, you can then either bring more squads or tech up as needed. The enemy who is not under attack has two choices; either tries to fight the T1 attack, or techs up to a higher tier to bring harder troops in. Alternatively you can do a double 1on1 approach and attack your opposite enemy; this relies more on your own skill rather than teamwork and should only be done if you are confident in your own abilities. When using a double attack, make sure you take over your enemies strategic points to limit their economy and boost your own; you can surround your enemy’s base with LP2 and put some turrets down and then move on to the next opponent. If you are doing a double attack then make sure that you do not over-commit in your attack; you could allow the player who is not under attack to tech up quickly to Tier three and devastate your armies. Move on from the first opponent when you have crippled their economy and generators, and start on the second. When fighting in the middle try and fight around LP2 to give extra defence and firepower, there is really no where to hide so you will have to retreat all the way into your base. Remember that if the take and hold timer is on that you should try to take it down ASAP: your enemy could build defences around it using the strategic points to place turrets next to.


Double hard tier one masses are very good on this map due to the open spaces and fairly large entrances in enemy bases. Any race with a hard tier one is good on this map: Marine tactical mass, Tau Commander with Firewarriors, Ranger, Reaper, Reapers; any of those combinations will be able to cripple a single player quickly. Imperial Guard can also be used fairly well to do a turret rush on an enemy base. If you do this then you must have support from your ally; get your ally to send in a hero and tier one squad first to draw attention and fire, and then follow up with techpriest to put turrets down. The main combination on this map is to be offensive, defending on this map is suicidal; the little amount of strategic points and the size of the map make this an offence orientated map.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 20 2007, 20:51 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 6GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:22 PM
Ice Flow

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Strategic Points: 14
Relics: 1
Critical Locations: 2

Point Layout: Each base has one strategic point directly in front of the Headquarters, one to the direction where your ally is and one in the bottom most corner. Aside from this one more strat point for each player is under contestation in the very middle.

Other features: A parallel ‘2 1v1's’ system. A middle strategic point up for contest by both sides and a single relic in the middle of the entire map.


A large map with a layout almost encouraging 2 1v1 situations. When playing on the map one must endeavour to obtain the middle strategic point as it gives you forewarning of an attack as well as better eco, and a clear passage to the middle relic. The Map does not encourage 2v1 situations where one player is double teamed, as it is harder to execute due to lack of space to move the troops through, and the vulnerability of your base in this situation. However, it can be done and when it is done has usual dramatic results, resulting in one player’s eco and troops being severely depleted.


Essentially two 1v1s, the map encourages competing for the centre Strategic Point and centre relic. The Map encourages communication between the players over who gets the sole critical location in between the two bases and who fights for the centre relic. With 3 of your own points and one up for contest for the both of you, a good tactic would be to try and build a turret at the middle strategic point to ward off any possible cappers while securing the point with your own cappers. The Map does encourage early harasses in order to stop the opponent going for the middle strategic point while he is preoccupied with your harass. The Map can be used to double team one opponent although due to the vulnerability of your own base if you do this, it is ill advised. Essentially it is two 1v1s and therefore the majority of your work must be done by yourself and you must endeavour to secure both middle strategic points and the relic in order to give yourself an easy pathway into your ally’s area for assistance as well as a better eco.


On a map like Ice Flow, Assault Marine/Raptor/Stormboy combos are often employed as the unit’s ability to bypass the difficult terrain involved in the map. Along with this, building offensive buildings like turrets together in the middle strategic points are often advised due to their amazing effectiveness. Other combinations involve both players sending their first capping squad straight to the middle SP to attain an advantage early on. Much of the team’s effectiveness in the map relies on the ability to cap the centremost strategic point as it provides a base from which to launch attacks, be forewarned of attacks, gain a better eco and get an easy passage into the ally’s base.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 20 2007, 20:36 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 7GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:22 PM
Panrea Lowlands

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Strategic Points: 16
Relics: 2
Critical Locations: 0

Point Layout: Each base has two strategic points in their quarter; the third is in the entrance. In the middle of the map there is two strategic points up for contest by each side. At the top and bottom there is two ridges with a relic and strategic points; these are out of the way but can be fought for by either side.

Other features: There are no critical locations on this map, all the points are either strategic or Relic. Each base has only one entrance, all the other sides are separated by either rivers or high cliffs; the one entrance to each base is fairly tight and not many troops can get in at once. There are two pieces of heavy cover in the middle of the map; these are small craters and can be useful when holding the middle ground.


A lush map with rolling green landscapes and plenty of middle ground to fight in. Each player’s base is fairly tight and there is not much space to build many structures; players should take advantage of the side points next to the relics for extra building space. As each base is inaccessible by foot troops on all sides, jump troops and jump vehicles are excellent for hit and run attacks. The side points and the Relics should be contested for; giving up these points without a fight will give your enemy a better economy and space to build. The middle points are also important; capture these and you gain a better view to your enemy’s actions as well as increased economy.


Panrea is a very good map with lots of opportunity for a variety of battles; Jump troops and surprise attacks can be really useful while lots of large battles are bound to break out in the large central area of the map. Firstly it is vital to establish map control; you should aim to first control the centre points and the sides before attacking your enemies base. Use your T1 units to take the sides and middle before advancing into your enemy’s base. If you do advance then it is a good idea to hold them in their entrance. Double attacks can work fairly well on this map especially double jump troops of teleporting units. If you are going for a double attack then you should push straight into an enemy base and quickly take out their entire LP’s to smash their economy, once this is done you should pull out and hold the map. If you have map control then you can dictate the flow of the game and tech up easily while keeping your enemy regulated to a small amount of points. It is advisable to do a double hero and one tier one unit strategy as this then allows you to tech quicker; if necessary you can bring in extra troops to help hold the map.


There are no real set combinations for this map as it is more down to map control and regulating your enemy’s movement. Use your tier one units well and you will be fine. In later tiers Fire Dragons in Falcons make excellent harassing units, as do Land Speeders, Upgraded Raptors or Assault Marines, and most jump troops in general. Note that long range units such as Space Marine Tactical squads and Firewarriors can shoot into the enemy bases from behind the ridges providing they have the sight.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 23 2007, 10:53 AM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 8GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:22 PM
Janus Savannah

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Strategic Points: 13
Relics: 2
Critical Locations: 2

Point Layout: 4 points in the bottom most base, in a diamond shape, 3 in the far left base, one at the only entrance into it and the other two close to buildings, 3 in the upper most base in a diamond shape and 3 in the right most base with one at the only entrance into it and two close to buildings.

Other features: 2 critical locations, 2 relics, one base with four strategic points instead of three and one base with a critical location very close to it.


A very unorthodox map, Janus Savannah has a very original retro layout. It consists of allies having their bases opposite to each other The Base at the very bottom is the only one containing 4 strategic points and thus having your base located there is often both a gift and a curse. Having the extra eco helps tremendously in long scale battles and provides better protection with LP2’s. But the extra strategic point often makes you the target of a double team and the relatively large gap between your base and your allies makes it harder to send reinforcements. All 4 bases have only one entrance into it.


Essentially the entire match is about ganging up on the person with base 4. This map is literally-Double Team or be double teamed. Great tactics on this map often involve sending your first capping unit to the enemy’s base along with your allies capping unit to cause as much disruption as possible. Other tactics involve one ally attacking from the only entry into the base while the other jumps jetpack troops in the other way thereby flanking and decimating your ally’s forces. Tactics like these often end a game very early on unless the opponents are wise enough to counter harass or simply help each other out soon enough. Communication is a must on this map, as if you are not careful, you will be defeated early by a double combo in t1 and leave your ally a huge task to fulfil. Consider building an early turret by the entrance of your base or an infantry command/Waagh banner for the Orks/Imperial Guard.


On a map like Janus, double Tactical mass/Shoota mass/double Assault Marines/Raptors etc work wonders. A hard mass in t1 on one single opponent is very hard to counter as the map restricts the players space (one entrance into the base only) and if one ally goes for a hard tough mass (tacticals/csms/shootas w/mek) while the other goes for jump troops and jumps over the top, you can effectively flank and trap your opponents forces often inflicting such a casualty that cannot be recovered from. For more info see replays attached.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 21 2007, 16:33 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 9GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:25 PM

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Strategic Points: 8
Relics: 4
Critical Locations: 1

Point Layout: Each base has two strategic points either side of the HQ and a relic behind the HQ. The critical location is in the centre of the map.

Other features: The map is really small and most long range squads can shoot into the enemy base from your own. The top and bottom bases are on the flat land with ridges on either side. The left and right bases are on a hill and in a rut and also have ridges down the sides. Each ridge has a path to the enemy base, giving a total of three entrances to each base.


A small ice map with very uneven ground and very few strategic points; each player has only two points in their base and one relic. The left hand base is high up on a shelf and has access through the middle and down two ramps on either side. The right base is down in a rut and has two paths going into the middle bases. The top and bottom bases have paths from the left and right bases and have fairly open ground across the map to the critical.


This map requires careful tactics and good micro, as well as careful requisition management and troop use. Most players consider it to be a spam T1 map; however it does require skill and a good deal of micro as the battle starts right from the first word. Strategic points can be really hard to cap, especially if pressure is put on from your opponents early on. It is advisable to push really hard on this map and again use a double attack. The best tactic is the “Slow Dribble”, this basically means sending a slow build up of troops into your enemy’s base, never giving them a chance to attack. Send a capping squad I first to harass their capping squads, this should then be followed by a squad from your barracks (i.e. Tactical squad), and so on. If both players do this then one enemy will be totally overwhelmed in a short space of time. Alternatively you can do the “Steady Dribble” to separate enemies to put both players on the defensive. The key to this strategy is to send enough troops in to keep your enemy from effectively cap their base and establish and economy. At the same time you establish your economy and tech up. Putting turrets down in the middle can be a very good way to stop harassment and keep your enemy in their base; a couple of turrets in the middle will reach a long way. However the back routes could be used and it is more advisable to push using infantry. Never attempt to quick tech on this map from the start; if you do so and your enemy is of a decent skill level then you will die; there is simply not enough space to effectively hide your tech and the lack of points will mean that even if you do tech, your economy will be bashed.


Any combination can work well on this map, its more down to how you use the troops you have. As with other small maps, hard tier one forces such as Marine, Tau and Eldar are good on Tiboraxx; you can use a hard tier one mass and do good damage to your enemies economy and base. Orks are a particularly good race on this map, mainly due to their building guns; you can put up Waagh banners on your points and your base will be fairly safe from attack. Putting your Boyz hut in your ally’s base can protect them from quick rushes allowing them to establish their economy and base. There are no super combinations for this map, as it is more down to skill and troop use, as well as tactics.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 20 2007, 21:36 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 10GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:25 PM
Dread Peak

Attached Image

Strategic Points: 12
Relics: 4
Critical Locations: 1

Point Layout: There are three strategic points in each player’s base; these are situated directly behind the HQ and to the left and right hand side; these can be capped easily and provide decent base defence. There is a Relic in each corner which is up for contest by two players. The critical location is in the direct centre of the map on a hill.

Other features: The map is fairly flat except for a snowy ridge in the centre; this is in a cross shape and separates each base. The ridge gives three entrances to each base; one in the centre and one either side of the headquarters.


A very small snow map with few points, only one critical location and four relics. Originally this map was used as an automatch map for the 1on1 ladder, however it was discontinued. Each base has three points and a relic either side. The points are fairly close together and there is not much space in the base. The ridges make movement into the other bases tight and massed units can get stuck. The critical location is on a high platform that joins the four ridges and can be accessed by each base.


Due to the small nature of the map it is advisable to push hard in tier one using the steady dribble tactic as described in the Tiboraxx tactics. Double attacks are easily coordinated as you will most likely have an enemy on either side of your base. Make sure you decide which enemy you are going to attack and send your troops round the side passage; attacking through the middle will alert your enemies ally sooner to the double attack, furthermore there is less space in the middle and your troops could get trapped. Due to the lack of points, upgrading your listening posts is vital to give extra defence in the confined space and for a better economy, use the global upgrades to. Attacking both enemies at the same time can be really effective; send your squads round to the enemy bases at the same time and attack; neither enemy will be able to help their ally and they will be forced to defend their own base. The down side of this is if your enemy has gone for a double attack; one of your own forces could be taken out by the double combination, leaving your ally on the other side of the map unable to help. To establish a quick defence, you can put down a turret near the center; this will stop any harassing squads from gaining easy acess to your own, and your allies base through the centre. It is inadvisable to play defensive on this map unless you are Orks or Imperial guard and can hide behind building defences; the enemy could quickly take away your strategic points and totally smash your economy.


Good combinations on this map are strong tier one forces such as Space Marine, Eldar, Tau; use a heavy tier one mass with hero and several squads and you can make a solid attack on the enemy hopefully crippling them. Double Orks is a really harsh combination on this map as your base will be fairly safe from attack and placing Waagh banners next to your strategic points allows you to keep your eco safe. Necrons can also be good on this map, as their Necron Warriors can quickly get into the enemy base or Flayed ones can be dropped in; with the little movement space enemy troops will find it hard to flee.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 21 2007, 16:29 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 11GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:26 PM
Gor’heal Crater

Attached Image

Strategic Points: 12
Relics: 4
Critical Locations: 1

Point Layout: There are three strategic points in each player’s base; these are situated in a triangular formation closely packed around the headquarters; these can be capped easily and provide decent base defence. There is a Relic in each corner which is up for contest by two players. The critical location is in the direct centre of the map on a large area of flat ground.

Other features: The map is fairly open with little features. TO the side of each base is a large rocky expanse, these separate the four bases and create tracks between the Relics. There is no cover on the map, only open ground and impassable terrain.


A very small rocky map in the style of a canyon; the bases are in-between four rocky outcrops and the whole map is surrounded by a large rocky shelf. Each base is symmetrical and has the exact same layout; strategic points in a triangular formation around the HQ and a relic to the left and right hand side of the base. Each base slopes upwards and the critical location is on low ground in the centre. The Rocky outcrops can be jumped over with jump troops and such units as Falcons. A fairly open map, there is a lot of space to move around in and double attacks can easily be performed, however there is little options for defence except turrets or dancing around LP2.


This is another rushing map, the open spaces and fairly hazard free layout of this map make large tier once forces effective; they can easily travel to enemy bases without hitting bottlenecks or having many pathing issues. Double rushing a sigle player is espcially effective as they will not have anywear to run their troops except into one of your own bases; you will be able to chase them into your own base or leave them to be shot by LP2 while your own troops stay and damage the players economy. Again a main feature of a small map with few points like this is economy; regulating your enemies economy and ability to cap points is vital and a good tactic is to send in your first capping squad to haras the enemy and decap points. If you can stop them from taking at least one point and the relics then their economy will be roughly 50 with LP2; funding reinforcments and extra troops will be very hard. No generator builds are perferable in this map as the extra money normally used for a generator can be used on an extra tier one squad or reinforcements. remember on this map that there is only one critical location therefore it is advisable to decap it if the take and hols timer is on straight away; some teams try and camp at the critical with turrets to gain an easy take and hold victory. When performing a double attack it is a good idea to do a split attack; one ally attacks through the middle, while the other attacks round the side; this cuts off your enemies retreat routes and their only option will be to retreat into one of your own bases.


This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 21 2007, 17:01 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 12GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:27 PM

Attached Image

Strategic Points: 15
Relics: 4
Critical Locations: 2

Point Layout: To the left and right of each headquarters there is a strategic point, the third is on a hill just outside the player’s base. Each player also has a relic in one corner of their base which can be capped straight away. In the centre there is 4 strategic points situated in a square formation, and there are two critical locations intertwined with these strategic points. The middle points can be fought over by anyone and all 4 players have access to them fairly easily.

Other features: Each base is an L shape and has a hill in front of it with the third strategic point on. The bases are separate by hills only passable by jump troops or teleport. Each base has a thermo generator which can be easily built on. There is no cover on this map at all, just impassable terrain, hills and lots of paths and open spaces.


A fairly large snow based map with a square formation and symmetrical bases. Each base has the same L shape layout with three points and a relic; the relic and two inside points are the most easy to cap, while the third point requires a little time and leaves your builders vulnerable from harassment. The thermo generators are fairly close to your own base and can be built on easily and turrets placed for defence in the opening. Each base has two entrances; these are both fairly tight and not many troops can fit through at once. Furthermore an enemy can shoot down into your base from the hill that the third strategic point is on. The centre of the map is fairly open with decent amounts of space to send troops through; the strategic points and critical locations are fairly spread out and should be contested for fairly quickly as they give a superior map advantage as well as economy. With not much room to build in your own base, teching up and creating more structures such as machine pits can be a problem; use the outer strategic point to place larger buildings so vehicles don’t get stuck in the tight paths.


Double teaming in this map is a very good tactic; the larger layout and fairly tight nature of the bases means that your enemies ally will not be able to come quickly to their aid. When performing a double attack on this map however, make sure that you attack from two separate angles; attacking from the same place could result in a bottleneck and your troops could get stuck; attack from opposite sides to cut off retreat and to give more space for manoeuvre. The centre points on this map are not as important as you think, it is inadvisable to try and take them straight away; you should attack an enemy first and then use your remaining capping units to take the middle points during the attack. Remember to tech up and LP2 your points; this is important in this map as the points are fairly close together and can provide good defensive fire from a harass. Quick techs can be used on this map as it is fairly large and the open spaces mean that harassment will not be as quick like on maps such as Doom Spiral. If you do quick tech, make sure your ally is aware and ready to defend you if needs be.


Hard tier one masses can work very well on this map if you pull them off right and put enough pressure on. However it is preferable to perform a medium double rush with a hero and just one tier one unit with a supporting capping squad. The large layout of the map could mean that your enemy techs quicker and your hard T1 mass could be taken down by stronger units; therefore using less in T1 can be beneficial. As always the Marine Tactical mass is strong, as is Tau Commander Supported by Firewarriors.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 25 2007, 07:15 AM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 13GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:28 PM
Biffy’s Peril

Attached Image

Strategic Points: 20
Relics: 4
Critical Locations: 1

Point Layout: One entrance into each base, up a slope, either side of the slope is two SP’s and in front of it is 3 SP’s in a line. The middle points on the outside of the base are in heavy cover.

Other features: 1 Critical Location in the middle, 4 relics up for contestation by either side. 2 Thermo plasma generators in the rut between the diagonal bases. Negative and Heavy cover spread across the map; all water areas are negative cover and the craters have positive cover.


A city map that boats four guarded bases surrounded by high walls, in the centre is a blasted battleground riddled with craters. An unorthodox map, Biffy’s Peril has no shortage of req due to 5 points for each player. Each player spawns opposite their ally (default). Each base has one entrance and 3 SP’s in front of it. These can be taken by the enemy early on. A large critical location is in the centre most of the map. The map contains both negative and heavy cover, although there is more of the former; when fighting large battles a team should make use of the heavy cover and set up defensive positions in the craters, enemy troops will have to approach over negative cover taking heavy losses. The critical location in the centre is also surrounded by heavy cover, making take and hold opportunities a lot better than other maps.


Essentially the entire match is about ganging up on the one person. This map is literally-Double Team or be double teamed. Great tactics on this map include turret rushing an outer SP, jumping jump troops over to their base while distracting with a hero at the front, double teaming an enemy by restricting their front points and then moving on and doing the same to the other ally while establishing a better eco. You must be careful on the map not to stray into negative cover. It may be the last thing your men ever do. An Important thing to remember is the thermo generators; these can be a safe source of power and they can be easily defended.


On a map like Biffy’s, double tactical mass/shoota mass/double Assault Marines/Raptors etc work very well. Hard t1 masses are very hard to stop due to the one entrance into each base, although if the allies are clever you may be able to trap the enemy’s forces in between your allies and yours on the slope, inflicting heavy casualties. Capping an enemies SP before your own also works great especially if you are Imperial Guard/Ork with banner/garrison defence.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 23 2007, 09:51 AM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2

# 14GW_Fingolfin Sep 20 2007, 15:28 PM

Attached File GW_vs_UnQ_g1m1.rec
Size: 625.63k
Number of downloads: 146
Player Name Side Team
UnQ`sherman 1
UnQ`Xarphan 1
GW|Fingolfin 2
GW|^Jamerson 2

- A Very intense 2on2 Clan game with action and good use of tactics.

Attached File GW_vs_WNx_Sniper_Dharka_vs_CGreen_giant_m1.rec
Size: 608.58k
Number of downloads: 139
Player Name Side Team
WNxCGreen 1
GW|SnIp3R 2
WNxDaveGiant 1
GW|^Dharkka 2

- A good game showing how hard teching can sometimes pay off in teamgames.

Attached File 4P_DOOM_SPIRAL.2007_06_03.20_10_20.rec
Size: 426.13k
Number of downloads: 106
Player Name Side Team
GW|Fingolfin 2
GW|SnIp3R 2
GW|^Jamerson 1
tekwNts2Pl4y 1

- Good teamwork and double attacks.

Attached File 4P_JANUS_SAVANNAH.2007_06_04.19_56_35.rec
Size: 383.86k
Number of downloads: 123
Player Name Side Team
GW|Fingolfin 1
GW|SnIp3R 1
StupidTrainee 2
[DooC]GoDot 2

- Good use of a hard double attack to criple one opponent.

Attached File GW_vs_DOM_Tiboraxx__Tau_SM_vs_Eldar_Chaos_.rec
Size: 312.2k
Number of downloads: 130
Player Name Side Team
GW|Fingolfin 1
GW|^Jamerson 1
[DOM]Bathory 2
[DOM]Demon 2

- Solid use of LP2 to defend, hard tier one attacks and capping enemy points.

This post has been edited by GW_Fingolfin: Sep 20 2007, 21:38 PM

Posts: 1,541

Game: Dawn of War 2


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