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Interview with Stellviax

By cinamon - 31st March 2009 - 19:09 PM

Everyone knows Stellviax, the acclaimed and talented Eldar player; we have asked him a few questions to hear what he had to say about Dawn Of War 2.

GameReplays: Firstly, can you tell everyone who you are, what leagues you're in and what you have won?

Stellviax: I'm known as Stellvia, from Korea. In dow2 I play eldar as my main. I also have played DOW since DC 1.2.I am now ranked as 1st on both ESL 1v1 ladders in the European league. I won 2nd place on Game replays tournament in beta.

GR: A lot of people have been asking how you get the time in to play so many matches.

Stellviax: I don't really play much TBH. I usually play only 2 matches a day and I do a few ESL games but I don't play 'find game' nor custom games at all.

GR: Why don't you play ranked games anymore and what do you think about the current TrueSkill system?

Stellviax: I think it's wasting time and even it means nothing for me because it matches random players with not considering their TS's and it makes the game really boring and useless. I don't think it is so hard to make it work just like the ELO system of WC3.

GR: Now if you could nerf and/or buff any one thing in the game what would it be? Do you think the game's balanced?

Stellviax: I want to buff Storm boys. I've never seen them in the game that I even thought they were not in the game. It is completely useless compared with ASM. The thing should be nerfed is the Carnifex as everyone should know very well. But above all I think the worst thing make this game monotonous is lack of strategies and biased using of troops and commanders.
Also I think they need to buff Warp Spider... and the bright-lance. Banshees are ok and can still be hurt with spells on.

GR: What is the strongest race in your opinion?

Stellviax: I think Tyranids > Space marines > Eldar> Ork.

GR: Who has been your toughest opponent yet and why?

Stellviax: It's Skytear who plays Eldar and he owns the ESL German leagues. He plays Eldar quite well and I need to concentrate the most when I face him. About the Ork, Pureball was the best Ork but I have no idea where he has gone.

GR: How do you think you'll do in Battle for Supremacy? Can you give an estimate of how many games you will win, see if you can foretell the future?

Stellviax: I want to win all and I will.

GR: Do you think you will come out first at the end of the Amateur Series?

Stellviax: I think so unless there are some really good new players.

GR: Anything to help the new and existing members of Dawn of War 2 who are trying to improve their game for this season?

Stellviax: For me, it helped a lot to play against Tyranids, because it's kind of a 'one miss=lose'. I think you should try to concentrate the best and play as the best as you can. It's also good to find new strategies or combos nobody uses. There're still many factors that can lead you to win even though this game is not balanced well.

GR: Any last words for the GameReplays community?

Stellviax: I hope more leagues, cups will be hold on GR. It makes the game more competitive and worth playing.

GR: Thanks for this interview!

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