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More Retribution Screenshots

By 5*General - 11th January 2011 - 18:45 PM

Amazon.de was not the only retailer to leak out new screenshots of Retribution this week. EB Games.au also got in on the action, providing a new reveal and visuals on some things that were previously known.

So first the big reveal:

Yes, you may have seen it in a magazine or in a video from a magazine, but as has been stated before we can't talk about that. But this, this we can talk about. And show you, we can do that too:

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Yes, that is one MASSIVE tank. Current rumors are that it requires the use of a global ability to call in (similar to Terminators, and probably at least twice the price of Terminators) and that some of its weapons consume either resources or energy to fire. Not that it doesn't have enough weapons to be laying down constant hurt anyway while the player waits for more resources/energy to recharge/cooldown. This particular screenshot makes it tough to discern the scaling of the Baneblade, but already it is apparent that the vertical scaling is better than it was in the original Dawn of War. Certainly, it is a tank to be feared.

This screenshot does also offer a glimpse of two infantry on the steps to the right, and in the background to the left a structure appears which bears some similarities to one that has bee seen before in connection with Retribution. This screenshot detailed in our first screenshot article seems to offer the most-likely links for both the infantry and structure.

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Next up is a Swarmlord versus Wraithlord fight. Scale-wise, the Swarmlord is right in-line with the Wraithlord, making him quite a tall and imposing figure among the Tyranid force. The second new item here is the purple beam. From what it originates... is a complete mystery. The best theory that this writer can craft is some form of upgraded or altered Brightlance beam, likely targeted at improving the Brightlance's damage against super-heavy infantry.

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The Chaos campaign heroes in all their splendor. In the top image, they are, from left to right: Neroth, Kain, Varius, and Lord Eliphas.

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Three of the Eldar heroes run forth, Ronahn the Pathfinder on the left, Veldoran the Warlock in the middle, and Elenwe the Farseer on the right. Elenwe is holding a Singing Spear.

These screenshots and details on Imperial Guard will only continue to pour forth, thus while we recognize that the other screenshots are awesome in their own ways and bring forth their own reveals, the Imperial Guard reveals from these are stacking and cumulative. Thus, from now on, these articles will have a section at the bottom devoted to listing what Imperial Guard units and heroes we know for sure exist:

Imperial Guard HeroesImperial Guard UnitsSources:Discuss