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Dawn of War 2: System Requirements Released

By Tirranek - 7th January 2009 - 09:39 AM

It's a question that has piqued many peoples curiosity and been the reason behind many, many threads over the course of the game's development; Will my system run this? Today Relic/THQ have answered that question by releasing the official system requirements for Dawn of War II. Relic has been careful to emphasise that the game was never meant to be a system breaker, and have at various points attempted to re-ensure the community that the game was designed with modest system demands in mind. In an interview with IGN, Lead Designer, Johnny Ebbert used a '3 year old Dell' as an example of what they were hoping to achieve with the minimums. It's refreshing to see that this appears to be the case, with the minimum specs detailing a quite common gaming set-up during late 2006.

In addition, further details concerning the upcoming Dawn of War II beta are scheduled to be released on Thursday, which should answer many people's questions on the matter.

We have locked down the Minimum and Recommended System Requirements for Dawn of War II. Here is what you're going to need to run the game:

Minimum Requirements
  • Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista SP1
  • P4 3.2 GHz (single core) or any Dual Core processor
  • 1 GB RAM (XP), 1.5 GB RAM (Vista)
  • A 128MB Video Card (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 6600 GT / ATI X1600, or equivalent
  • 5.5 GB of Hard Drive space
  • Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista SP1
  • AMD Athlon 64x2 4400+ or any Intel Core 2 Duo
  • 2 GB RAM (XP and Vista)
  • A 256MB Video Card (Shader Model 3) - Nvidia GeForce 7800 GT / ATI X1900, or equivalent
  • 5.5 GB of Hard Drive space