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Dota2Replays Brawl Team Cap Increased to 40

By kustodian - 10th January 2012 - 23:34 PM

Because of a very high interest from the community about Dota2Replays Brawl, we decided to do what is best for the community and the teams, we increased the tournament cap to 40 teams. These 40 teams will be split into two groups: top 8 seeds, and 32 teams for the pre-qualifier. This means that each qualifier tournament will have a pre-qualifier. The pre-qualifier will be played on Saturday at 19:00GMT, 32 teams will play only two rounds, after which the remaining 8 teams will qualify for the qualifier on Sunday. The main qualifier will be played on Sunday at 19:00GMT with 16 teams (8 top seeds and 8 from the pre-qualifier) as it was planned when this event was first announced. The brackets will be announced this Friday, so make sure to follow our portal to see if your team will need to play on Saturday in the pre-qualifier.

We hope that this way more teams will have a chance to participate and it makes the event more entertaining and fair. We wish all the teams best of luck and we hope that everyone enjoys competing in and spectating Brawl. We would also like to mention that there are still a few open spots in the DRB Qualifier #1.

- Dota2Replays Brawl Admin Team