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Dota2Replays Brawl Qualifier #2 Brackets

By Nuraun - 20th January 2012 - 13:39 PM

The second qualifier is just around the corner and we have 40 teams ready to fight for glory and the honor of playing in the Final Four playoffs!

All the teams who are listed on Saturday have to play 2 games in order to qualify for Sunday's big tournament. Seeds have been done randomly, except for the top 16, where the first 8 are directly seeded into the Sunday qualifier, and the lower 8 are given seeds 1-8 in the pre-qualifier. The pre-qualifier starts on Saturday at 19:00GMT.

Pre-Qualifier Brackets

Whoever makes it to the Round of 8 in this tournament are qualified for Sunday and have a chance to compete for a spot in our big Final Four. During the tournament rounds, which will start at 19.00 GMT, any questions can be directed at an official referee who will be present in the IRC Channel @Quakenet #Dota2Replays.Brawl. In this IRC Channel, you should also find your opponents and give us the result of your game.

Remember: Anyone who does not show up for any of the games will be disqualified after a 15 minute waiting period and banned from the tournament, so make sure to be on time! Also, no livestream is allowed by players, only the official GR streams are allowed to be showing the tournament. Anyone caught breaking this rule will be disqualified, as well as the rest of his team and banned from the tournament.

We would rather that you're 10 minutes early, than having to wait 5 minutes past 20 for you, so be on time!

Now, onto the fun stuff.

Sunday is the big day, where it will be decided who gets a chance to go after the big prizepool.

Qualifier Brackets

All the streaming rules and such of course also go for the Sunday qualifier. For meet-ups and contacting the referee, again meet up in the IRC Channel @Quakenet #Dota2Replays.Brawl where an available referee will be present, so contact him with any questions and results.

Game modes for this weeks qualifier will be: Latest (Meaning we will run on the new 6.73 patch) since we reckon that most of the bugs were caught in the recent bug fix patch today. We will though have Invoker auto-banned for this weekends tournament until we know for sure that he is not broken in any way.

In the patch notes, it is also stated that Puck is completely fixed, but after some testing we're unsure how fixed Puck actually is. To avoid anything, for now Puck will still be banned until we're 100 % sure the bug is completely gone.

Remember that we will be running livestreams on this stream as well as this stream which is accesible through the link. The streams will cover one half of the brackets each so we can bring you lots and lots of great games!

We'll see you this weekend for some real mayhem!