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Dota2Replays Brawl Grand Finals: coL vs Mouz - March 11 @ 17:00 CET

By Nuraun - 1st March 2012 - 21:15 PM

After Sunday's games, we finally have the last two teams standing in Brawl: us [coL]compLexity and europe [Mouz]Mousesports. They're now waiting to duke it out in a best of 5 to determine who will win the $4,000 first prize and who will have to settle for $1,500.

In many minds, the clear favorite to take the first prize is coL, who have been looking strong in every tournament they've entered in the last few months. They've beaten Mouz quite convincingly (2-0) in the first round of the Brawl Final Four and have also been going through sweden [CLG]Counter Logic Gaming in a closer series (2-1), which means that coL is coming from the winner's bracket, and therefore they have a one-game advantage going into the final against Mouz.

Mouz on the other hand had a long way to the finals. After suffering a loss to coL, they faced the Australian giant australia [aL]Absolute Legends, but managed to go through 2-0 against them and reaching the finals of the loser's bracket. Here, they met the Swedish powerhouse CLG and ended up completely crushing them with a very unconventional Tiny/Tidehunter combination. The Tiny pick has been getting some attention by Mouz lately and it will be interesting to see how coL responds to the extremely aggressive playstyle of Mouz.

The games in the loser's bracket finals between Mouz vs CLG is definitely worth a watch, so if you didn't catch them, you can watch them on our video system.

The Brawl Grand Finals sponsored by TwitchTV, TeamSpeak and SteelSeries are set for March 11th at 17:00 CET. We hope to see you all for the finals, where there will be a possibility to win a SteelSeries Dota 2 Mousepad and even $600 cash prizes, if you watch the Dota2Replays stream with the IRC chat open.

See you there!