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Kanes Wrath

eXs.Pulse Vs [Singularity]

Video Type:Commentary
Players/Teams:eXs.Pulse, [Singularity]
Welcome everyone to another quality Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath video commentary! Another great match has been casted today and is proving to be incredibly popular to say the least, this intense showdown comes straight from the derelict yellow zone city known as Tournament Dustbowl! Starting in the north and representing the Global Defence Initiative aligned with the cyan colour scheme, is none other than the Tiberium fiend himself, eXs.Pulse (Better known as *ECLIPSE*).While his opponent, commencing in the south and representing the deadly Black Hand aligned with the purple colour scheme, is an interesting player known as [Singularity]. Who will have what it takes to emerge victorious? Watch and find out!

eXs.Pulse Vs. [Singularity]
(All scores encompass the combined effort of all players)

Green_ZERO's Game Score

Strategy: 78% Execution: 78% Awareness: 70% Momentum: 88% Development: 80%
Match Analysis Components Description

All previous VoD's are available to view from Green_ZERO's YouTube Channel, which features every video produced during the third series of VoD's, subscribe now and catch all the action from the best the Kane's Wrath community has to offer! Require more content? Find more action from within the archives, the first and second series of VoD's are available through Green_ZERO's WeGame Account, which features much older content at a substantially lower quality, yet the intense games featured here are definitely worth your time and a must see for any Kane's Wrath fan!
This post has been edited by Green_ZERO: Dec 20 2011, 05:08
wow, this game was frekin awesome, even though I don't understand anything about KW, still was very enjoyable game and great VODind, Thanks smile.gif
Thanks for the video! :-)

i really like this game and the Vod, loved what you did with the video section Vivo biggrin.gif