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Kanes Wrath

Predatore's custom maps of 1.02+ R8

Video Type:Trailer
It's just a video showcasing my upcoming maps of the next release of the 1.02+ map pack:

New 1.02+ R8 maps:
- Asteroid Outpost
- Battle Stadium
- Mountain Pass
- NODs Gardens
- Smashed Dustbowl
- Volcano Struggle
- Wastelands
- <Bonus map> (don't watch the video if you don't want spoilers)

Updated 1.02+ R7 maps:
- Alpine Valleys (new lighting)
- Smashed Town USA (fixed a problem with Scrin subfactions in skirmish games)
- Tournament Badlands (fixed a position of a garrisonable structure)
- Tournament Stadium (new lighting)
- Twisted Rift (new lighting)

Unmodified 1.02+ R7 maps:
- Forgotten Forest
- Tiberium Zone
- Tournament Airstrip
- Tournament Alpine
- Tournament Undergrounds
- Twilight City
This post has been edited by Predatore: Feb 7 2014, 16:46
Would be more clear if you showed the minimap at all time.

Tournament towerless looks interesting, I like the remake maps (besides rift, which is too big imo).
This post has been edited by Technique: Feb 9 2014, 09:40
I agree with Tech on minimap and would rather see the map, not action. This looks like one of Green_ZERO's intro's to a VoD. I thought this was a sneak peak of maps, not skirmishes. A comment or two on what's new and tib locations would be nice as well. Although I did like seeing that Bike vs GZ epic move of teleporting bikes hex so close to gz's artillery armada that he took them all out. Now that was a battle worth HoF'in. I do look forward to your new maps though Pred. They are, as always, the best. gg (good goin)
Well, I'm a map maker who don't have much experience making videos. Also, I don't have the best video software editor. The Windows Movie Maker doesn't have a feature to overlay an image (or a video) over the main video. And if I add a comentary, it has to be in spanish (I'm not good enough speaking in english).
I've already posted a video with a fly-by of most of my maps, and I thought that was the boring part of it. In this new video, each map is introduced with a slide with a 3D WorldBuilder view of the map, where the most important things are marked: start locations, tiberium fields, tiberium spikes, and capturable buildings (like EMP Control Centers). That should provide you with the info that you need.
Anyways, thanks for your comments.
Yea I use Windows Movie Maker too. Understand your predicament.