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People who still play Soviet are stupid

#1SirCakealot  Nov 13 2016, 15:44 PM -
Replays: 20 Game:
This is a replay featuring all the overpoweredness of allied play.
* pillboxes
* allied destroyers destroying tanks, buildings, submarines, aircraft and infantry without viable counters.
* cheap arty demolishing a tank force/infantry/building
* hinds, cheap and spammable countering their counter (flak trucks)
->> Anyone still playing soviet must be seriousely stupid or of god-skilllevel. post-13661-1143531603.gif
I'am switching to allies, since soviet is pointless for me.
#2FiveAces  Nov 14 2016, 08:08 AM -

Replays: 19 Game:
I've watched the replay, and, no offense, you played the matchup wrong.
It's a well-established fact that destroyers are great vs tanks, so your choice to go mammooths was 100% failed to doom. There are counters available to destroyer fleets. Your cheapest option would have been to rebuild a sub pen outside his vision range, get out 2 subs and destroy his naval yards. Subs and destroyers, if microed properly, barely even damage each other due to the depth charges missing their target and the torpedos' faulty tracking. The big game-changer here is that subs are _great_ versus buildings. So employ hit'n'run tactics versus his naval yards to completely shut down his production.
If that does not work, just put cheap infantry on the shorelines - this will make him waste all his APM on kiting riflemen with his expensive fleet. Your next best bet would be popping a tesla coil and curtaining it - you already had a curtain, but didn't use it even a single time. It's the strongest weapon the Sovs have at their disposal.
As for the arties, IC flaks would do a great job at taking them out at little cost - but on top of that you played Ukraine, which have hands down the best support powers in the game. A single parabomb drop onto the immobile arty blob would have allowed your mammooths to push past the destroyer-infested chokepoint for free and win the game outright. The same holds true for a single demo truck.
Oh, and one more thing on the whole destroyer counter thing: MiGs are amazing at that. They can fire their volley from outside the Destroyers' line of sight, and it only takes 3 of them to kill one in a single pass.
What I completely agree on, though, is the pillbox spam. They are way too cheap given their strength.
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