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StarCraft 2

Billy (z) vs DIMAGA (t)

#1billyx3  Sep 22 2010, 12:58 PM -
Replays: 2
just played my favorite non korean zerg's off race
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessag...rentpage=49#972 for more info
This post has been edited by billyx3: Sep 22 2010, 13:12 PM
#2Betsfrox  Sep 24 2010, 00:53 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Nice, why did dimaga change races?, he was so good as a zerg player, but plays terran very good too
#3yurriah  Sep 24 2010, 05:19 AM -
Replays: 1
Billy why didnt you use any infestors? I'm no pro by any means but they would have helped quite a bit?
#4NatoGIC  Sep 24 2010, 09:53 AM -
Replays: 29
Billy had the game in his hand for about all the time... even when he quit he still could have won. Nice persistance by the terran! very pro player =)
#5LittleqUeeNn  Sep 24 2010, 10:25 AM -
Replays: 1 Game:
He shouldn't change race
#6CharlesDarwin  Sep 24 2010, 10:57 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Nice game! I liked your tech switching a lot. That marauder blob was owning basically everything you could build: banes, lings, ultras, base structures (!!!!!!).... when you decimated the marinez enough you quickly fielded those mutas. I think if they lived longer you could have won. Although I am not that pro why not build spling/infestor/hydra vs the build he had? Seems to me that this could have dealt more easily with his marauder/med vac combo.
This post has been edited by CharlesDarwin: Sep 24 2010, 10:58 AM
#7Dirge  Sep 24 2010, 10:57 AM -
Replays: 44
I dont understand how u lost this o,O u were leading until the whole game. a few infestors would change everything. ultras+infestors = win XD

And yeah dimaga shouldnt play terran :@
#8CharlesDarwin  Sep 24 2010, 11:00 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
I wasnt that surprised about terran winning though, it seemed to me, that once he had that gold expo and the high ground expo secured he would win through that marauder/medvac/thor blob. If the zerg could have shut down the expos he could have won, but through firepower? Maybe with infestor/hydra/ling, but.... not sure, there are counter builds to that too. DIMAGA seemed to have a lot more firepower in each single engagement, which reflects my personal experience in playing Z vs T also. Maybe your high pop in drones hurt you as well. Another hatchery and a few drones less maybe?
Edit: Not taking anything away from the game though, which was nice!
This post has been edited by CharlesDarwin: Sep 24 2010, 11:03 AM
#9Dirge  Sep 24 2010, 12:59 PM -
Replays: 44
I wasnt that surprised about terran winning though, it seemed to me, that once he had that gold expo and the high ground expo secured he would win through that marauder/medvac/thor blob. If the zerg could have shut down the expos he could have won, but through firepower? Maybe with infestor/hydra/ling, but.... not sure, there are counter builds to that too. DIMAGA seemed to have a lot more firepower in each single engagement, which reflects my personal experience in playing Z vs T also. Maybe your high pop in drones hurt you as well. Another hatchery and a few drones less maybe?
Edit: Not taking anything away from the game though, which was nice!

no less droning. well at least 75 is good at that many exps, 80-85 is limit smile.gif
#10Zynn  Sep 24 2010, 14:36 PM -
Replays: 4
The best player won, simple as that. Good job by Billy but the inablity to finish the match as well as the poor micro of banelings lost the game for him. Very fun match to watch though and I hope to see more replays from him in the future!
This post has been edited by Zynn: Sep 24 2010, 14:39 PM
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