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StarCraft 2

MUST SEE White Ra (P) vs Jinro(T) Big names, epic 45 min

#1RexFTW  Mar 8 2010, 22:02 PM -
Replays: 23
Epic 45 minute game between two big names in SC. Reposted from teamliquid here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessag...;currentpage=36

Tons of strategies. Ghost drops, tank drops, storms all over. Just plain gosu micro too.
#2WarLock  Mar 8 2010, 23:20 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
Saw it already in the tl website sickest game ever. This is how fun sc2 actually can be, and that already after 3 weeks
#3Zerebrat  Mar 8 2010, 23:39 PM -
Thats a Starcraft2 Game ! biggrin.gif
#4WonderWall  Mar 9 2010, 02:17 AM -
fucking game
#5meitl  Mar 9 2010, 02:48 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
pretty sick. i was glad the terran won he way outmicroed the toss.
#6OceanicDrought  Mar 9 2010, 06:47 AM -
Replays: 54 Game:
Great game. Really intense at times. Finally a game where Terran utilizes Medivacs as we imagined one should. ;p
#7Apop  Mar 9 2010, 07:45 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
The toss with 2 expansions ahead should've just steamrolled the terran player. Tons of HTs yet no amulet to allow instastorm. Pathetic cliffdrop not countered, single warp prism and 5 warped zealots +4 stalkers could've ended it without loss (or obs+storm), as well as a mass wapin from thoose ~10 warpgates into T main. I really don't see how this is a great game.
#8bavbav  Mar 9 2010, 10:01 AM -
Replays: 0
yes i think its not that good too

teran played alright really, but toss? so much mistakes i cant believe

for instance, he waited so long until he figured out that he needs obs on the cliff and then went to storm? he lots so much probes unbelievable. how about stalker blink, or warp prism and then warpin some units

then we have what can be described as no control from toss player, when he attacked terran main omfg, it is even possible that 20 units shoot 20 buildings? hwo about focus fire and kill half of base..... ofc instead everything survived

then later ingame, he suicided into planetary oftretss like 5 times.

not expanding on his upper island....

and most obvious, he never used his chrono boost afte rlike 10 min mark. so basicly 5 nexuses with 100 energy each just sitting there

i fail to see why he need to make hts aswell. they didnt really kill much, instead only died and ofc without the amulet? so why didnt he ummmmmm make 2 stargates and make carriers out slowly. can terran counter like 6 of them? no, unless he has close to 20 vikings

just really cmon guys, watch some bw replay, and ull see how bad this one was...
#9Maeldun  Mar 9 2010, 13:24 PM -
Replays: 0
looks like the terran watched some CowGoMoo games, but didn't really pull it off so well. the toss just massed storm and zealots, the terran took a long time to put hellions in his army...
#10Beyond_Control  Mar 9 2010, 23:10 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
Horrible from WhiteRA. I was disappointed. Forgot where but he just suicided his entire army on the gold PF Zealots went in like 1 min before the rest of the army caught up, with HT trailing behind way too late. The attack on the base was like ADHD... TOO MANY THINGS. It felt like that after 20 min both players just really started slacking, especially WhiteRA if you look at the unit loss statistic which just basically threw his units away and had almost a 2:1 resource loss even though he was 2 exp up.
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