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Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

Intergalactic Colosseum Season 3 - CPL Vs SWA

#1Kekouse  Feb 2 2009, 07:42 AM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Not a good match from my side.

-Forgot to build the first 2 pgens (oO)...Thanks Zep for the energy you gave.
-Wasted Mass... (damn that's a sin!)
-Was lazy with my eco
-Bad timing Naval Fleet - Asylums

Hellgate was a little bit too confident to send his com on the middle Island.
And then way WAY WAY too confindent to send his com against my shielded Destroyers.
#2pppippp  Feb 3 2009, 08:20 AM -
Replays: 0
He forgot to buy the stealth upgrade.
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