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Act of Aggression

[REVIEWED] Nice comeback from almost quitting

Walk Through The Valley Of Death 1v1
Walk Through The Valley Of Death 1v1
#1Maru  Sep 3 2015, 01:59 AM -
Chimera strategy I've never seen before, but it has potential. I almost quit.
#2Derek  Sep 3 2015, 17:03 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
Shit man, that was you? Weren't you getting kind of mad the start? tongue.gif
#3-Netput  Sep 3 2015, 17:04 PM -
Yay, you have been chosen for the first Act of Aggression review! biggrin.gif

Build order: 2 refineries (1 oil/1 alu) + barracks
  • You kept your cool! You surely didn't not expect to see this rush, so a nice recovery.
  • Viper concave to kill those pesky pumas, yay!
  • You valued the banks. Banks saved you this game!
  • Lovely drop in his back base with the superhind, surely did some nice damage
  • Make sure to fill up your first bank sooner. At the start you only had 4 soldiers in them and 6 moving to the bank far away. You need that cash early on!
  • Keep your k-max (harvesters) alive man. You sacrificed so many. It made me cry a little cry.gif
  • Building a extension module and placing it in the middle of your main oil/alu greatly increases mining time!
  • You were really focused on late game and spectres right now. Whenever you defend against such a attack, make sure you have a quick main army in the mid game as well. He could have easily picked off your undefended refineries.
Build order: Warfactory / refinery (oil) into 2 puma's
  • Lovely aggressive build order! Loved this aggression early on
  • You picked of a lot of k-max, if there was veterancy your puma's surely would be elite
  • Used your scout as a deny unit for the bank is a smart and solid move as well
  • Don't build 2 units at the same time when on 1 oil field. At one point you were building infantry and a puma simultaneously.
  • Your second refinery was placed on a aluminum field. You probably want to place it on a oil field. Chimera is very oil depended early game and you could've kept the pressure up with 2 oilfields.
  • Not sure about your unit mix in the late game. In my (limited) experience Grenadiers would have been a better backup unit. SAS and Exo's don't quite do the job against Cartel.
Entertainment value: 6 / 10
Very nice early aggression from Kered13. After the initial 'omg what is happening' Genera1 recovered very nicely with some turrets and Vipers. After this the game went into eco mode and got a bit boring. Some minor harassment actions here and there until the late game punch. With more harassment in the mid game I would have ranked it higher.
This post has been edited by -Netput: Sep 4 2015, 06:53 AM
#4Derek  Sep 3 2015, 18:59 PM -
Replays: 5 Game:
Used your scout as a deny unit for the bank is a smart and solid move as well

It's funny, I actually picked this one up off a total newb I played a couple days ago. A friendly guy, but didn't really understand the basics. But he came up with this technique (with US instead of Chimera), and I just decided to copy it.
#5Maru  Sep 3 2015, 20:25 PM -
Thanks for the review mate, and it was the first AoA review banana.gif Let there be many more to come from all of us. I agree with your thoughts on the game as well, and I lost too many Kmax you're right cry.gif

Derek didn't realise that was you lol! Well played, nice strategy. You're right I was a bit mad at the start I was thinking WTF is this even possible? I was interested in knowing how you had pulled off that strat.

Altogether it was the most fun game I've played so far as it was actually close. Usually games are decided at the start and it's just a case of building up a suitable army to attack with.

#6-Netput  Sep 11 2015, 20:11 PM -
Check out the video for this replay as well!
#7Maru  Sep 12 2015, 01:52 AM -
Nice cast, thanks!
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