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Act of Aggression

[REVIEWED] Got nuked

A River Runs Through It 1v1
A River Runs Through It 1v1
#1atdsutm  Nov 8 2015, 19:55 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Should have tried to harassed more.
#2Maru  Nov 8 2015, 23:18 PM -
Build order:
2xRefinery on base oil 1x barracks
  • Really nice use of early Superhinds to cripple your opponent. Just try to keep them harassing as he had some unguarded Refineries at the extremities of his base.
  • Good job building an extra barracks and upgrading it to allow for additional prisoner to be captured. It's planning like this that really help when you start running out of resources in those longer games.
  • Good transition into late game, you had your Spectres out pretty quickly and they were doing rather well until you ran into some peacekeepers.
  • Barracks should really be first, you need to get Vipers out asap to defend against a recon rush. You are lucky in my opinion that he withdrew his recon early when it could have stayed and done more damage to your troops and resource gathering.
  • You really need to keep the harassment up during the game, if the USA player is allowed to get a mega economy going you don't stand a chance. Use the Superhinds superior speed to go around the outside and constantly keep him guessing as to where the next attack is coming from. You did this well at the start but slowed down when the Blazers came out. They are not as fast as your hinds, use this to your advantage.
Build order:
1xBarracks 3x Refinery on 3 separate oil locations.
  • Really big expansion, even after being crippled early on you recovered well and rebuilt the lost refineries very quickly to the point that you were back on your feet in no time.
  • Nice use of the Peacekeeper missile, they clearly won you the game.
  • Good to see the Delta force guys out early and mixed into your other units. They really helped give extra fire power when dealing with the Spectre spam
  • Nice recon rush, but just notice that he didn't actually have any Vipers out so you could have stayed a lot longer and killed his Contractors and some more K-max
  • When you are capturing banks, you should consider putting half marines and half Stingers as they cost exactly the same. A popular tactic of Cartel is to capture banks with Napalm and hinds, so for the same price as Marines, Stingers can defend against this.
  • You were rather late getting your blazers out which meant you lost a lot of Refineries early on. The current strategy for Cartel is to almost always go for Hinds so you want to make sure you are ready to receive this.
Entertainment value: 6/10
Game isn't too bad on the eyes, it just lacks momentum in places. It started well with the Cartel player giving some effective early harassment against a USA opponent who was slightly on the greedy side and went for a super hard economy without the proper unit protection. The Cartel player lost momentum and the middle of the game resulted in a prolonged stalemate with neither player doing very much. This was a combination of neither player having the advantage and of course the bottlenecks in the form of a bridges that really don't promote a harassing tactic. A large battle, and use of super weapons have pushed the enjoyment rating up in this replay.
This post has been edited by Maru: Nov 19 2015, 03:29 AM
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