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Goblins Vs. Elves Build Order Guide

By KingSpillBlood - 31st October 2008 - 01:19 AM

Freedom has produced a unique strategy for the Goblins vs. Elves match-up. See the benefits and costs of this build-order that allows you to produce the tough and deadly Spider Riders.

The Build Order

Tunnel -> Tunnel -> Tunnel -> Tunnel -> Spider Pit

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This build order directly counters the widely used Tree, Barracks, Lorien Archers, creep build order most often used by Elves. The main unit in this match up is your Spider Rider, and this build order hands you your key unit along with an economy boom. Another plus about this build order is that you have no fear for pikes as Mithlond Sentries are very weak to fort fire and even your Spider Riders' bows.

Micro is essential to this match up. Keep your spider riders alive, for they cost 600 a piece. The idea here is to intercept creeping Lorien Archers and begin harassing in whatever order you please. My suggestion is to look for any creeping archers and kill them. Otherwise, just proceed on to harassing his base. I would use my initial Spider Riders to go along the fords of Isen to spot any Lorien Archers. You can of course send them through the middle right away and begin harassing.

  • Economy boom
  • Fast Spider Riders

  • Mithlond Sentry creeping
  • poor unit mixing
  • if you have bad micro
  • if you are off-host

I find those four weaknesses to be minor ones that make this strategy even better. As of right now, I can’t think of any major weaknesses of this strategy. Pike creeping could be a potential disaster to your Spider Riders, as they can’t really steal a creep unless you have host to micro, but let's be honest, how often do you see an Elven player creep with pikes? Another minus would be that you don’t immediately have unit mixing. You should always unit mix with any faction, but the trick here is to get your most important unit out and your support/meatshield units out later. Bad micro and bad host is self-explanatory. My advice is if your playing on a bad host - don’t take any risks. If you have bad micro, then pay more attention to your units or control group them.