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Tip of the Week Archive

By Jobbies - 20th February 2009 - 17:39 PM

Here you will find all the Tip of the Weeks that relate to the Battletest 2: Director's Cut patch version of the Battle for Middle Earth 2.

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Creeping With Archers
Creeping with Archer's is a very big part of certain faction's strategy, mainly Elves. Lorien Archer's are the backbone of the Elven army and their rank can give big advantages...Continue Reading...

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Goblin Defense
Goblins can defend all of their tunnels simply, with 2 sets of Goblin warriors. So, how does one accomplish this you might be asking...Continue Reading...

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Orc Creeping
Everyone seems to have in mind that the most efficient way to creep as Mordor is to use Rhuns, we have another method that's very interesting...Continue Reading...

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This ability with siege units in BfME 2 has many advantages, but also disadvantages. This weeks tip is about Bombard...Continue Reading...

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A Statue Cancels The Horn of Gondor and Cloud Break
Something that player's may not know is, a statue, the building which provides leadership to nearby units...Continue Reading...

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Using Wall Hubs Defensively
Wall hubs are the cheapest fort expansion that exists for Elves, Men of the West, Isengard and Dwarves. They cost 70 resources each and upgrading...Continue Reading...

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Stealthed Mithlonds
This is a frequently used trick, by most Elven players, which can kill a battalion of cavalry instantly, or perhaps a deadly mounted hero such as...Continue Reading...

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A useful way to stop other units attacking your buildings, or stopping them until you have the suitable counter, is to block them. This is a very...Continue Reading...

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Effective Base Building
This weeks tip will be about the initial building of you base' in the early game period. A lot of time can be cut away and things can be done...Continue Reading...

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Creep Stealing
This weeks Tip is pretty risky at times and has a factor of luck included. The luck factor comes into it because the chests, dropped as a reward for killing the creep, are positioned randomly...Continue Reading...

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Destroying Fort Expansions Alternatively
The standard way of killing fort expansions such as Towers, Catapults, Spider Expansions etc. may be to use melee units such as Warriors and Pikes and eventually maybe even siege. This tip will talk about the alternative way...Continue Reading...

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Although archers are the counter to swordsman type units, if the swordsman are to engage in a melee battle with the archers, it has a devastating effect on your archers...Continue Reading...

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Luring is using your units to distract the enemy units from completing their initial goal of harassing. Unless units are in guard stance, they will automatically try to attack...
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Four Furnace Resource Building Placement
This tip shows how to do the box building placement. This is the safest way to build your first four resource buildings...
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Creeping Using Waypoints
Waypoints can be set for moving units to give them a set of commands that they will perform in a specific order. Most people use them for simple movement...
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Forward Archery Range/Barracks
The Foward Archery Range/Barracks strategy is a flexible, economically-oriented strategy. It is well complemented by...
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Warg Sentry Build Order
A single, well-used, Warg Sentry can have incredible affects on a game. They are very effective for defending buildings and achieving map control...
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Faramir TotW
Though one of the least used heroes in the Men of the West arsenal, Faramir is a versatile, cheap hero who can be extremely effective if used correctly. This Captain of Gondor must not be overlooked...
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Dormitory Expansion TotW
This tip is about the rarely used Dormitory Expansion for the Men of the West Fortress. Learn about its uses and also a nifty trick in this short guide...
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