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Battle for Middle Earth 2

[R] Unr3al vs. NS

#11Xenith  Jun 15 2008, 13:00 PM -
lol, my bad, forgot to put review in the subtitle, can someone review it?
#12Deadshot7  Jun 17 2008, 20:56 PM -
Will try to get to this today, but many older games out there.... should be done sometime this week tho.
#13Xenith  Jun 19 2008, 16:28 PM -
who rated this an 8 WTF.gif
#14Deadshot7  Jun 24 2008, 04:58 AM -
Review by: Deadshot7

Starting positions:
Unreal|Valente/Mordor - West
NS|Cain/Elves - East

Version: 2.2


An action packed game featuring elves and mordor. Mordor went with a quite unusual creep start, which allowed the elven player to expand to a huge economy with very little pressure early. However a quick switch to orc and easterling spam all over the place kicked up the pace quite nicely, and the black riders took the field in hopes of putting a stop to the masses of elven infantry. However glorfindel appeared to distract them for most of the game, and after many battles with power use in almost every one, mordor began to wear... however he held on for balrog and got to put it to use, as elves got eagles, and the game was decided following those casts... won't tell you who won, was a good match!

Overall a pretty skilled game with few mistakes! Gj guys.

Overall Rating: 6

RoTW Contender
#15Valente  Jun 24 2008, 07:08 AM -
Thank you for your good rating. thumb.gif
#16Xenith  Jun 24 2008, 12:57 PM -
thx man wub.gif
#17Darkman_0  Jun 29 2008, 19:23 PM -
Congratulations on the RotW guys! Good game, and well deserved.
#18DJ Soundwave  Jun 29 2008, 23:28 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
gratzz on rotw

also, 6 out of ? (rating)
#19Racenilatr  Jun 29 2008, 23:31 PM -
Where to start? Ill start with how much I loved watching that match. Valente seeming to go for a nazgul rush, which worked perfectly considering he made like 9 of them; wait i forgot that you can only have 3 out max and since you were offhost valente, i guess its understandable to lose a few
Well played, gg.

mmm looks like lag wasnt a very bad problem and wasting about 3k at least on nazgul didnt bother you much.

Also Xenai, I just absolutely loved how much damage glorfindel did. He was just awsome by distracting those naz, and than there was that time when he was about to die....i thought he would die but than you used htat invincibility thingy and trapped valentes nazgul and MoS between invinc-glorf and your army. Pwnage. Than there was that excellent use of peasents. I didnt really think you would have much a chance with them considering nazgul can simply run over them, but alas they seemed to stop and attack your peasents allowing for a ton of damage.

Lets see, than theres that balrog. I was sure it was gg for you Xenai once the balrog just raped your 3 production buildings, but those eagles saved the day....wow I just love how eagles do that...

Valente, I learned so much watching you.
1. Money is for making nazgul
2. Use nazgul to try to attack archers that are guarded by mithlonds and also try to hunt down glorfindel on horse, whom youll never catch( i have to give you credit though because you killed him in the end)
3. When MoS comes, treat him like a nazgul and even though he is really good at harassment, try to trample archers with him because he doesnt get hurt that as much as nazgul by mithlonds.
4. Dont use balrogs flamethrower thing that wipes out multiple buildings at a time. Just stick with its sword and whip. That will finish the day.

Ya i sure learned alot from this rotw. Lets hope the next rotw will be just as exiting
#20DR.E  Jun 30 2008, 17:15 PM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Valente, I learned so much watching you.
1. Money is for making nazgul
2. Use nazgul to try to attack archers that are guarded by mithlonds and also try to hunt down glorfindel on horse, whom youll never catch( i have to give you credit though because you killed him in the end)
3. When MoS comes, treat him like a nazgul and even though he is really good at harassment, try to trample archers with him because he doesnt get hurt that as much as nazgul by mithlonds.
4. Dont use balrogs flamethrower thing that wipes out multiple buildings at a time. Just stick with its sword and whip. That will finish the day.

i used all this tips in a 1.06 game today laugh.gif
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