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Battle for Middle Earth 2

[R] JBBJ vs. Febba

#1Xenith  Mar 12 2008, 21:36 PM -
I thought it was a pretty decent game, some nice back and forths, i had the edge until he took down my fort with UA. It was pretty close from there but i eventually got dragon and nearly took his fort down, until, mysteriously, the gaming started freezing up and he DCed. Despite that, i thought it was a pretty good game, though i'm sure he'll blame his loss on lag dry.gif .

A good game this was but Febba` dced when it was even anway have a good watch and it shows how to play both armies

With your first Gobs batt don`t attack a RB that`s in fortress range, check around his base to see if there is any out of range I think cave troll then Pike to creep would have been better to defend with. Your stances were excellent and you started to move in and try to mess Mordor`s Eco up which you did that quite well you cash floated alot and you were in a better postion so make sure you get loads of Gobs warriors and Trolls/Pikes a real good spam I believe would have won you this game earlier. I didn't see what happened to your fort if you demolished by accident try not to let this happen

What this player/team can improve upon:
Try not to demolish your fort
Don` t cash float
Spam mass amount of units

You had a good BO here, your harassment early game was amazing taking down Rb`s at the same time and creeping also, you kept Goblins out of reach from your base which what is needed really. When it got to Mid-game you started to slip and Gobs took advantage, always make sure you get Orc Archers into a mix of Orc/Pikes and Archer to help you gun down Gobs. Your stances were good and expansion was also good but you lost your expanded Rbs due to the lack of archers, try get attack trolls to kill Gobs fort or ready for a counter attack you spammed and did quite well for most part but then it ended a draw imo

What this player/team can improve upon:
Get orc archers spam all kinds of units
Try to expand all the time

Overall Rating: 3
Review by ^S1N1ST3R^
This post has been edited by ^S1N1ST3R^: Mar 13 2008, 17:16 PM
#2Jase  Mar 13 2008, 16:31 PM -
Replays: 10 Game:
Ok, this is Mine aswell.
#3Xenith  Mar 13 2008, 16:44 PM -
QUOTE(^S1N1ST3R^ @ Mar 13 2008, 10:31 AM) *

Ok, this is Mine aswell.

thx man bowdown.gif
#4Xenith  Mar 13 2008, 18:45 PM -
thx a lot for the review, just a few comments. I was cashfloating because i was saving for droggy, as i was worried he would get a fell/WK, and my fort when down to a surprise attack of some UA trolls, i didn't demolish it. Also, was our play really this bad

1-3: The play here was pretty bad, neither player was sure what to do and a lot of mistakes were made. Generally you recommend a visit to the appropriate strat forums to learn more about their faction.

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