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Battle for Middle Earth 2

squonk-deadshot omfg game

#1Forgotten_squonk  Sep 12 2009, 07:04 AM -
Replays: 28 Game:
WOW. longest game i ever had. 3 times flood and earthquakes, 2 armis of the dead, eomer and theo level 10. idk what level was his elven heroes, he spammed them like mad. even tho we both camped like no others do the game was really interesting to play and i'm sure will be cool to watch. tbh ownage game. watch it,u never know who gets the win b4 its actually an end smile.gif
#2Deadshot7  Sep 12 2009, 07:20 AM -



Is basically what this replay is all about.

I made 3 stupid mistakes at inopportune times... after holding back FU rohirrim all fing game...


stupid random.

I camped like a noob cause I suck w/ hippies. The end =D

At the end I think something might have glitched too but I FF in the replay and it took forever and I missed it ha ha ha....

Oh well, i'll look at it again later.

GG squonk
#3Forgotten_squonk  Sep 12 2009, 07:21 AM -
Replays: 28 Game:
god, what a noob^^
FF the key moment after 10000 mins watching it LOL
#4Deadshot7  Sep 14 2009, 15:03 PM -
ya, and i don't care to be bothered enough to go back and FF for another half hour again.
#5Forgotten_squonk  Sep 15 2009, 09:06 AM -
Replays: 28 Game:
watched. its ok dead, 4 FU rohirrim with GC+eo+teo+land>>>fort pretty quickly
#6Dwelf  Sep 22 2009, 03:01 AM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Best game ever!!!!!
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