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Battle for Middle Earth 2

Elves vs Isengard

#1Fitton  May 24 2009, 22:47 PM -

Replays: 24 Game:
So what can I do to improve to win here? Can I have help please.
#2Wayward Son  May 24 2009, 23:25 PM -
Replays: 1 Game:
Stop sucking?
#3Fitton  May 25 2009, 01:39 AM -

Replays: 24 Game:
Awesome, I'll take that onboard.
#4Dwelf  May 25 2009, 12:48 PM -
Replays: 11 Game:
Nice game!
#5Fitton  May 28 2009, 14:13 PM -

Replays: 24 Game:
Any chance I can get a review please?
#6Raziel`  May 28 2009, 17:09 PM -
I saw this rep. I was trying to do a videocommentary on it. But couldnt manage to get my mic to work.
Anyways, was a few days ago. So i cant remember enough to make a good review.
I remember tho, u should have won this. U had him connered. U also had the oportunity to finish the game with eagles+ents i think.
U can also try to do an ent moot and use treebeard, protected with troops. Also, u never got silverthorn. I just cant understand why. it would be pwnage after that.
To keep it simple, you did the hard part, gain control of the map with elves against isen. But you managed to lose the game somehow when you should've just pwned.
#7Fitton  May 28 2009, 19:19 PM -

Replays: 24 Game:
So silverthorn it is then, ty Raz.
#8FreedomX10A  May 28 2009, 20:10 PM -
I'm not sure what went wrong on your end besides isengards fuckedupness I probably abused everything I possibly could...
#9Raziel`  May 29 2009, 09:19 AM -
I'm not sure what went wrong on your end besides isengards fuckedupness I probably abused everything I possibly could...

btw, freedom, you really should go for upgrades against elves, instead of zerks imo.
#10Xenith  May 29 2009, 22:10 PM -
I'll review.
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