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Battle for Middle Earth 2

[R] Isengard vs MotW

#1DragonDisciple  Oct 11 2007, 15:25 PM -
Replays: 35 Game:
Allot of hero spam on both sides and a very gg imo (I didn't go fast upgrades because of gay hobbits)

Review by: Darkman
East: Pitch
West: Dragonbeard


A very interesting Isen vs Men game, with the continuous threat of hobbits deciding gameplay, but not the outcome. Not too long, and very entertaining.

What caused your victory this game, was your unit preservation. Your three lvl5 units made a lot of difference. You went Lurtz before wargs, maybe because you feared that hobbits would've destroyed the pit, but you could get it early enough. Great harassment all game on your part.

Improvement points:
* Get wargs earlier! You need them vs the inevitable archers.
* Preparation: Those hobbits + army killed your two pits. Next time get some towers on your fortress, they are an ok counter.

Pitch/Men of the West
Well you played nicely, although you didn't get the creepsteal first. You had some trouble targeting the right part of his army, which lost you a lot of battles. As soon as you had some spare cash you went for heroes, but Isen had both heroes and more units, which resulted in a succesful assault on your fortress.

Improvement points:
* Harassment: Don't let those paper furnaces exist too long! You'll need to send some raiding parties. Sometimes it's better to destroy some RBs than to destroy his last PB. This was such a time.
* Battle-micro: You allowed his xbows to attack your archers, while you just killed the meatshield, or attacked his heroes. This lost you some battles you should've won. Try to think of what will cause the most damage.

Game Rating: 5

RotW contender!
This post has been edited by Darkman_0: Dec 15 2007, 10:51 AM
#2AutomatedTongue  Oct 14 2007, 05:35 AM -
Replays: 1
Me help you review.
#3AutomatedTongue  Oct 14 2007, 07:05 AM -
Replays: 1
Dragon/ Isengard/ West vs. Pitch/ MotW/ East

Game Overview:
Interesting game between two players who know what they are doing. There is always something happening. The setting of the game seemed kind of casual as both players seem to make a lot of heroes and the tactics are disorganized... wacko.gif Game ended prematurely when Pitch failed to keep enough units on-field.

Nice seeing how you avoided getting your creep stolen early-game. Nice expansion there. You then proceeded to keep up the pressure by going upgrades. Good and systematic.
  • Unit Choice - Going Lurtz before warg-riders? Then you went Wormtongue? wacko.gif
  • Choose your fights WISELY - You seem to be throwing your forces to engage some enemies for practically no reason. You did a good job preserving your units though.
Nice early game scouting and attempting to creep-steal. You seem to choose the careful route by mixing every batt of soldiers with archers early game. Soldiers in my opinion are disposable, just send them towards your enemies' base in multiple direction and rape his resources.
  • Unit Choice - You went Boromir, Faramir and Eomer but no rangers and knights?
  • Spamming - Keep units on the field and follow up your battles.
This post has been edited by AutomatedTongue: Oct 14 2007, 07:06 AM
#4DragonDisciple  Oct 14 2007, 10:12 AM -
Replays: 35 Game:
thank you vm biggrin.gif
#5AutomatedTongue  Oct 14 2007, 10:26 AM -
Replays: 1
Stupid dragonbitch, at least type out the VERY MUCH. You insincere piece of flesh and bone.
#6Immortal^  Nov 16 2007, 03:20 AM -
#7Censored  Nov 27 2007, 21:03 PM -
Replays: 3 Game:
QUOTE(1mm0rt4l_KnIgHt @ Nov 15 2007, 22:20 PM) *


Don't forget about it. tongue.gif
#8Immortal^  Nov 27 2007, 21:12 PM -
i am done with reviewing for a while so anyone can take my tagged games. sry guys
#9Darkman_0  Dec 12 2007, 11:19 AM -
#10DragonDisciple  Dec 12 2007, 15:45 PM -
Replays: 35 Game:
QUOTE(AutomatedTongue @ Oct 14 2007, 11:26 AM) *

Stupid dragonbitch, at least type out the VERY MUCH. You insincere piece of flesh and bone.

ty vm smilie_bleh.gif

QUOTE(Darkman_0 @ Dec 12 2007, 12:19 PM) *


.:Wubbed:. wub.gif

Thanks for the review biggrin.gif
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