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Battle for Middle Earth 2

Elven lovers violate the unchaste forces of evil

#1VoluptuousUdders  Jun 9 2021, 20:49 PM -

Replays: 15 Game:
I wasn't sure how to win the game playing against 3 onhost nazguls, then I had a flashback to all the games I've played against grandmaster EPA, the most legendary elf player in middle-earth. With his memories, I decided to spam a couple heroes, make "Treebear" as he calls him, and play will a bunch of lancers and a couple towers.

I intended to use sunflare to protect the ent summon, but the unit positioning didn't really work out so I just decided to kill the heroes instead. They were both abusing the team-wide passive fuel the fires for big money prizes, but it still apparently wasn't enough.
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