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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

[R] FreePizza vs zuxxezzace

#1LordOfAllNoobs  May 5 2007, 12:16 PM -
Replays: 12 Game:
Well, I was mordor and as always I started very good and then I got pawned but I managed to win him anyway.

watch my builders and my troll closely at the end


Fixed that for ya. Pls observe the Title rules.

Udi: ok thanks!
I'd realy like to hear what I could have done better


Review by YidArmy1885

FreePizza/ Mordor - South
zuxxezzace/ Dwarves - North

Patch 1.06

Game Summary

A fairly mediocre game, which was concluded with Mordor as the unlikely winner as he managed to build two Siegeworks within the line of sight of the Dwarves fort - this after Dwarves had taken down Mordor's fortress.

FreePizza/ Mordor

From the outset, you went with orcs and corsairs. Predictably, your orcs proved fairly useless vs his strong units, particularly his Guardians. Corsairs worked a little better and you did a half-decent job of harassing buildings in his base with them. However, in general terms, your unit mix was incorrect for this MU. I'll explain below. Your micro with corsair firebombs was fairly suicidal and you ended up killing your own orcs most of the time. Pay more attention to this in future. You built a troll cage but never got any MTs out. Given the fact that you knew his base had no defenses this was odd. Despite not expanding at all (you only built 3 SHs all game) you had masses of cash unspent. You wasted it on building a Muma Pen instead of getting trolls out – or a Nazgul or two. Both trolls and Nazguls pwn infantry, so you should have had these on the board. When you saw you were losing you went for broke and built two Siegeworks in the Dwarves base. This was an extremely lucky win and I advise you to study hard to improve your gameplay, as a better player would not allow you to build in his base and get out a ram.

Consider these points to help with your game:
  • Expand. Three SHs is not enough. You need to spam buildings on the map to increase your flow of money and to max your CP. Having buildings spread out on the map also helps you see more of the map as your buildings provide line of sight.
  • Unit mix. You should have made some trolls to pwn his infantry. He didn't have many pikes, so your trolls would've been largely unopposed and could've actually taken down his fort at an early stage. You should also consider Easterlings. They can creep the spider lairs on the map and provide defense against Battle Wagons, which any decent Dwarves player would have made. Easterlings are very decent for taking down buildings as well and can even hold their own vs swordsmen in a pinch (add trolls to the mix and it's goodbye swordsmen). I also recommend you look into investing in a Nazgul another time, once he levels up his debuff is awesome and cause slow units like the ones Dwarves have to practically stand still when he's around.
  • Creep. Had you made Easterlings, you could have crept the spider lairs and taken the nice cash, unit xp and PP bonuses this awards you.

zuxxezzace/ Dwarves - North

Bad decisions cost you this game. The idea of building a forward rax when you're playing Dwarves is a bit silly. Build mine shafts in strategic locations, they're like teleports enabling you to instantly place units in the hot spots on the map. Build you rax in the safety of your base and use tunnels to transport units instead. Not having a production building in your base contributed to your loss here. You did well to expand on the map, building mine shafts, and you had loads of cash. With the enemy's choice of infantry only, I don't understand why you didn't build a Forge Works to get out Battle Wagons to wtfpwn his corsairs and orcs. Also, you weren't paying attention to what was going on in your base at all. He actually built Siege Works in the line of sight of your fort, popped out a ram and killed your fort. This was bad on so many levels, because you actually had a batt of Guardians nearby, but they were busy chasing a few corsairs. Not just that, but you had Rebuild but didn't use it on your fort. Never leave your fort so undefended. Your opponent also managed to pop out a single AT, which could have hammered your fort easily had the ram failed. Against a faction that can make trolls, by early mid-game you need at least one batt of Phalanx permanently stationed in your base. Finally, when his AT crushed your last rax, you had over 6k sitting in your account. Had you kept your wits about you, you could've easily rebuilt both your fort and rax in time.
  • Anticipation: He's got the ability to make powerful siege? Make pikes to deal with this threat before it materializes in your base. Also, a normal Mordor player would make Nazgul. Pikes counter it and protects your Guardians from it.
  • Pay attention to the map: Allowing your enemy to build Siegeworks literally on your doorstep is just inexcusable.
  • Cashfloat: Spend your money on more units, buildings, heroes and upgrades to get an unbeatable edge on your opponent. Money in the bank earns you no interest in BfME II.

Overall Rating: 3
This post has been edited by YidArmy1885: May 17 2007, 09:17 AM
#2SleepyLife  May 10 2007, 00:44 AM -
ah.. Free Pizza. U know me (GoS[AfterLife]). Btw that was an entertaining game.
#3LordOfAllNoobs  May 10 2007, 10:01 AM -
Replays: 12 Game:
I have to refine my macro strategy, I need to sit down and watch some replays

keep posting replays!
This post has been edited by udi: May 10 2007, 10:05 AM
#4YidArmy1885  May 12 2007, 13:34 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
I'll review.
#5YidArmy1885  May 17 2007, 09:17 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Done. Enjoy thumb.gif
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