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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

[R] [Review]Mordor+Gobs vs. Men+elves

#1Verdo  Feb 3 2008, 20:18 PM -
[attachmentid=347273]Well, i lost this one vs clan team with my friend. My balrog attack failed cus there were just too many things on it. It was vs rank 1 and 50ish player. M partner lost her base early and i tried my best to make a breakthrough but wasn't good enough. Was a gg though, Pls review

Review by: WNxDwelf

Starting positions:
[Car]-McLaren(Men)/[Car]-Buggati(Elves) – North
KoA|Verdo (Mordor)/ToRN|cro (Gobs)– South

Version: BFME2 1.06

A very balanced game. But sometimes it was boring to watch, gobs lost his base and instead of elves and men keep a strong pressure to kill then, gobs impounded a pressure on elves witch left elves camped in his base. So even with a small advantage for men and elves the game was open for both sides.

[Car]-McLaren(Men)/[Car]-Buggati(Elves) – North
Well you played like a real team when defending but not to good attacking, try to make a better use of your units and heroes. For elves, you made a great job taking the fort of gobs down early, but after that you just camped in your base, try to always attack as you could see you were always winning the fights against gobs. Another think, next time try to get horses, they are good to harras the farms of your enemy, and make a better use of heroes, lost some times then to mumakil. To men, against mordor I think that archers or horses earlier are a good choice, and don't camp, it´s all that your enemy needs to make a strong attack at your base. Good job putting the rangers on tower to prevent the mumakil rush.

Points of improvement:
- Always try to attack your enemy, especially mixing your units and heroes.
- Make a better use of heroes, mumakil killed some of then;
- Keep your eye on the mini-map and don't let your units idle.

KoA|Verdo (Mordor)/ToRN|cro (Gobs)– South
You played a little better then the other team when attacking your enemies. Gobs lost his fort earlier and mordor tried to keep the pressure on both enemies but wasn't good enough. Just a few thinks that you could done to improve your team work, instead to buy all upgrades of your fort mordor, you could share some money with gobs to buy a new fort, you had money for that. Try to help each other, nazgul made a good job taking the LA and the LW. Anyway very well played Mordor sometimes I thought that your team will win the game.

Points of improvement:
- Try to help each other attacking and defending, and complement your ally’s weaknesses with your strengths;
- Expand more you eco and help the eco of your allied.

Overall Rating: 3
This post has been edited by WNxDwelf: Feb 5 2008, 20:23 PM
#2Dwelf  Feb 5 2008, 19:31 PM -
Replays: 43 Game:
Ill do this Verdo. I think that im only reviewing your games Verdo lol
#3Dwelf  Feb 5 2008, 20:23 PM -
Replays: 43 Game:
#4Verdo  Feb 5 2008, 22:52 PM -
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