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Battle for Middle Earth 2 1.06

Great Game

#1ArCh4Ng3L  Jan 27 2011, 22:52 PM -

Replays: 55 Game:
Right , thats one of my favourite games in my opinion during that season with gameranger...Facts leaded with a unexplained way in that amazing 2vs2 (sometimes someone has to make the first step to get 'awarded' by having that pro game ) .However you know the stuff , nice battles , many hereos ( mostly motw), 25 powers that had been used many times (imagine that when rog was coming it was also dying from oathbreakers in about 5 secs wacko.gif ) .For the first minutes it was a good 2vs2, after free's fall it became a very interesting 2vs1 with lumi almost 'touching' victory and i can say that nearly before the end for about 5 minutes it was 1vs1 because Drizzt (Logan) had dinner cool2.gif and went away from keyboard .Im sure you will enjoy it as much as drizzt logan (and free i hope) did.

Finally that game is a real evidence of the fact that even in those days there can be played amazing games .All that needs is will and leaving stupid arguements in the past.At least thats what i did...
#2FreeSouL`  Jan 28 2011, 22:41 PM -
Replays: 29 Game:
#3Menji nr 1  Feb 4 2011, 10:21 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:

Seeing this replay posted (didnt watch it yet) makes me wanna play again.

Is it easy to get some games or is it a pain (timewise) to get started with some descent players?

Also X-fire is probably a must, no? If so give me sone xfire names.

I'll try to play some games in the coming days.

#4Menji nr 1  Feb 4 2011, 10:22 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:

Seeing this replay posted (didnt watch it yet) makes me wanna play again.

Is it easy to get some games or is it a pain (timewise) to get started with some descent players?

Also X-fire is probably a must, no? If so give me sone xfire names.

I'll try to play some games in the coming days.

#5Menji nr 1  Feb 4 2011, 10:22 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:

Seeing this replay posted (didnt watch it yet) makes me wanna play again.

Is it easy to get some games or is it a pain (timewise) to get started with some descent players?

Also X-fire is probably a must, no? If so give me sone xfire names.

I'll try to play some games in the coming days.

#6Menji nr 1  Feb 4 2011, 10:23 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:

Something went wrong here.

Sorry for that smile.gif
#7Menji nr 1  Feb 4 2011, 10:23 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:

Something went wrong here.

Sorry for that smile.gif
#8ArCh4Ng3L  Feb 4 2011, 19:38 PM -

Replays: 55 Game:
I cant give you the xfires of the other players since Im not allowed to do so but I can give you mine ''ottodespo'' Xfire is needed because you cant chat to a friend when he is playing (using gameranger's chat room) .Im not active enough though but what I know is that there is much activity at weekends.There are some old players who continue enjoy the game (not like before I guess) .It would be good to join gameranger since you are old enough for the game smile.gif ...GL
#9ArCh4Ng3L  Feb 4 2011, 19:39 PM -

Replays: 55 Game:
I cant give you the xfires of the other players since Im not allowed to do so but I can give you mine ''ottodespo'' Xfire is needed because you cant chat to a friend when he is playing (using gameranger's chat room) .Im not active enough though but what I know is that there is much activity at weekends.There are some old players who continue enjoy the game (not like before I guess) .It would be good to join gameranger since you are old enough for the game smile.gif ...GL
#10ArCh4Ng3L  Feb 4 2011, 19:41 PM -

Replays: 55 Game:
same bug...
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