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USA structure and unit index

Command Centre
You will start with this building and its primary function is to supply you with dozers to construct your base.It will also give you access to radar and generals points,if you have low power your radar will go offline and if your command centre is...Continue reading...

Power Plant
The first building you need to build,it makes your base run smoothly and keeps the defences powered.You do not need to many of them unless the game goes to late game and you need the extra power for supply drops or maybe a super...Continue reading...

Supply centre
Your primary resource gathering structure,it allows Chinooks to drop off supply's and it also creates Chinooks for you to use as transport or to collect more supply's.The more supply centres you have dose not always mean the more money you have,its wise to...Continue reading...

This will let your produce a large array of different and very highly trained infantry units including Burton and pathfinders.You will need this structure in most if not all games and it definitely will be beneficial to your cause adding so many...Continue reading...

War Factory
This is where the USA gets all of its heavy and light armoured vehicles and is an important part to most strategies.You can create Humvee/Ambulance/Paladin/crusaders and tomahawks here as well as get the tow missile upgrade for your....Continue reading...

The USA airfield produces a wide variety of units from Stealth bombers to Comanche and it makes then USA's air force the strongest in the game.You need to build a power plant and a supply centre before you can construct it and depending on the match up you are playing..Continue reading...

Patriot Missile System
The only USA defensive structure,but it has multiple purposes as it can attack air and ground units packing quite a punch in the process.It requires more power than most buildings so be careful not to run out of power and you may also want to consider the..Continue reading...

Strategy centre
One of the most important structures that the USA has,it will unlock several key units including Burton and tomahawks as well as letting you chose from one of three strategies including search and destroy,hold the line and bombardment each will..Continue reading...

Supply Drop
This is what you will need to generate money late game,its quite expensive so it makes sense to get a few before your main supply source runs out. It will drop off 1500$ every 2 minute after construction but its very important to protect them as they...Continue reading...

Detention Camp
The Detention Camp is a late game structure that will allow you to reveal the entire map for a short period of time then it will regenerate.You do not require power to use it though you need a strategy centre to construct it.Its a very useful building but by no means..Continue reading...

Particle Cannon

The USA's super weapon,it can destroy anything that gets in its path in a quick period of time and its movement can be controlled by the general.It requires a lot of power however but dose have the shortest countdown timer at four minutes.Its best to only get this..Continue reading...

This is the basic infantry unit for the USA,it comes armed with an machine gun but can be upgraded with flash bangs witch do huge damage to other infantry/can clear mines and building of enemy units.This units can also be dropped from a Chinook into..Continue reading...

Missile Defender
This is the USA's main anti armour infantry unit witch has a very powerful secondary ability that allows it to lock on to an enemy vehicle and fire rockets at an increased speed.This unit is good at holding positions as by Garrisoning it in a civilian building it will be...Continue reading...

This is the most powerful anti infantry unit in the game killing other infantry with just one shot,it can fire and remain stealth but when moving it will become visible.Its best used to support your armoured units in combat from afar but be aware of...Continue reading...

Colonel Burton
The USA's hero unit,Burton is equipped with a large array of explosives remote and timed,he also carries a knife that can be used while remaining as a stealth unit and a powerful gun that can make short work of infantry/armour and buildings but he..Continue reading...

Construction Dozer
This is the unit that is used to produced USA structures,it has weak armour and can only take a few hits from a rocket so be sure to keep them in a safe location,it can be used offensively when you combine it with a Chinook and drop the Construction Dozer in your opponents base and build there,usually a patriot missile battery or a barracks..Continue reading...

This unit at first seems as a non combat unit but as well as clearing up toxins/radiation and healing infantry it can be used to run over enemy infantry very effectively as it has very strong armour against rocked based attacks.This unit may also act as a scout..Continue reading...

This is the basic USA tank that has a powerful attack and when upgraded has more armour than the paladin,its best used vs other tanks and mixed in with paladin's to protect from missile attacks that can really damage the crusader.Its primary use is against china to protect from flanked Gatling tanks..Continue reading...

Paladin Tank
This unit is unlock able through your generals points and its a unit you will really want to have as part of your arsenal.It has all the features of the crusaders but that extra 200$ is there for a reason.the paladin tank comes with an anti rocket laser that can deflect enemy missiles making it more effective against an opponent witch is using missile based units..Continue reading...

This unit is very effective for scouting and harassing,it can hold up to 5 infantry units all of witch can fire out of ports in the vehicle.Its best used as a hit and run unit or mixed with paladins to fight enemy tanks,when combined with snipers/Burton/missile defenders/rangers and a strategy centre on search and destroy it becomes a very powerful unit..Continue reading...

The tomahawk is a long ranged missile based unit that can deal huge amounts of damage to units and buildings alike.Its most effective against ground units and base defences but it has very weak armour so its best to protect it with other units..Continue reading...

Battle Drone
The battle drone is available to buy on every USA vehicle and will heal that vehicle if it becomes damaged.It also has a small machine gun that is very weak but may just help fight off infantry.Battle drones can take a few hits from an RPG or Tank hunter so there good at drawing fire away from the vehicle..Continue reading...

Spy Drone
Spy drones are very cheap but very useful.They provide a huge view distance witch is most useful for scouting and they also can detect stealth.Arm a Humvee with one to counter hero units...
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Aurora Bomber
This unit is a super-sonic attack plane making it immune to enemy fire while on its attack run but after the pay load has been delivered the speed is reduced by 50% and it becomes just as vulnerable as a normal aircraft.Its best used as a strategic bomber behind enemy lines to take out important structures such as Supply centres/black markets and propaganda centres just to name a few...Continue reading...

This unit is very effective in multiple situations and is armed with rockets and a cannon that rearms in the air.This unit can be upgrade to carry rocket pods witch allows it to carry and fire a barrage of powerful rockets that are effective against armor/infantry and buildings.This unit has a huge view distance and can travel very fast making it the perfect unit for quick attacks and quick retreats..Continue reading...

This unit can engage air and ground targets,it has a rocket based attack and has to reload at the airfield.It can be upgraded at the airfield with laser guided missiles witch will increase the damage done by a missile fired from the raptor by 25%,this unit is best used against enemy armor..Continue reading...

Stealth Bomber
This is one of the most under used units in the game,mainly because it has very little uses.It has a weak attack even when upgraded with laser guided missiles but it also is very expensive so most players wont bother with it,its only real use is for scouting or taking out any defensive structures..Continue reading...

This is the primary supply collecting unit for the USA,it can also act as a transport though able to carry most ground units and can be used with rangers to perform the "combat drop" function witch will clear enemy units from a civilian building and garrison your rangers there.The Chinook is very expensive though so be careful not to lose to many of them as it can seriously slow down your economy..Continue reading...