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CNC Generals

[R] Gambler vs Torque UvG

#41xFactor  Jan 25 2008, 06:39 AM -
REPLAY REVIEW BY xFactor9 - 25/01/08

Match Overview
This game was a pretty good game for most part. Seemed super dragged out which lowered the rating, mistakes from both players which also brought it down. Still a decent watch if you have a coke and popcorn.

You constantly got TT'ed and never had a chance for most of the game to really be aggresive. You did well holding him off while getting TT'ed so much. You slowing got a vee army and went to aggresive mode. Good job clearing the flanks for a while and harrasing him. Got the middle and killed one of his oils. Why didn't you kill the other one? Pretty poor micro at the end, should of used chinooks and then sent the commanches to kill quads. More drops might of helped, you should of used your chinooks off the second supply in the middle late game.
    Tips for Improvement
  • Use chinooks to make quads shoot at them while you own the quads with commanches
  • Should of killed off his second oil

Your start was very good. Constantly TT'ing the USA player but never had anything to back it up and finish him off. Thought that first tech/rpg would do the trick but it just put him near death. You should of got oils sooner than you did and also moved to the middle and take it over. That would of helped, tech up a LOT sooner than you did. And the left flank was wide open for a long period of time. You should of harrased him from both sides not be predictable and just attack from the right flank. Floated a bit at times but it saved you in the end.
    Tips for Improvement
  • Follow up your TT's with a small army to finish him off
  • Take over the middle and take supplys from there
  • Tech up sooner and use BOTH flanks

Overall Game: 6/10
#42john87  Jan 29 2008, 20:26 PM -
Entertaining game for sure, although poor micro at times. Gam had Trojan on the ropes for a long time, but kept dicking around with Tech/Rpg when he should've been upgrading to Buggies. No idea how Trojan managed to survive a buggy spam without S&D/Tomahawks/Air. After such a strong start that set Trojan so far back Gam should've upgraded quickly and fought the vees with buggies, which they can't compete with if microed properly. He could've been way ahead, but barely upgraded before Trojan did in this case.

Gam did a good job of retaking the flanks after being cleared off, but in all honesty this shouldn't have been a close game. Even with a poor middle game, Gam shouldn't have lost his army like that and been run over by 3 copters, 2 Paladins, and a Rockvee. Needed Jarmen earlier too.

Finally, at the end he should've just spammed Quads as opposed to upgrading to scorp rockets for the purpose of fighting one paladin.

Critical comments, I know, but I did find it to be an enjoyable game. Wp guys, 6/10.
This post has been edited by john87: Jan 29 2008, 20:27 PM
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