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CNC Generals

[R] Quasis Vs Vade

#1VaDe  Oct 16 2006, 22:38 PM -
Replays: 47
Another from along time ago. Great mig usage from henning with crazy general power usage. Close with good flanking and strongmirco from both players review when you can.
#2Cypher  Oct 17 2006, 18:12 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
Sweet and pretty close game!

Vade went right at the start for a patriot drop strategy, but Quasis easily pulled it off. Quasis also quickly went for both oil derricks, but only got one as Vade got the other, and went for migs and attacked Vade's base - but Vade stopped the gatlings with his mds. Great job there! After that both players teched up, but Vade aggressively attacked with his paladins and threatened Quasis a lot - but he used his migs and hold Vade back.
Now here came Quasis big chance, he forced Vade to capture his Command Centre and had four migs (with black napalm), but didn't hunt Vade's dozers and therefore Vade came back into the game.
Vade made a crazy three way attack on Quasis, as the migs were a pain to him and dropped mds close to the airfield plus attacked with paladins from both flanks, but Quasis had Overlords and mines..

Now here comes the part in which Vade dominated, as he took out the Airfield and his A-10s allowed him to damage Quasis base - Vade stood with paladins, mds and even snipers in front of Quasis base - but made the HUGE mistake of not pressing "X" for the infantry and therefore losing lots of infantrists to Quasis two bn migs. OUCH!

Quasis, you sometimes play a bit too fair imo. You could have won easily with another airfield and 8 black napalm migs!

Quasis had two overlords, a gatling and a mig left after that and constantly attacked Vade - only Vade still got money, but constantly lost his infantry units and had a hard time against Quasis units.

I won't spoil the ending, but I enjoyed this game a lot! 6,2/10
#3VaDe  Oct 17 2006, 19:21 PM -
Replays: 47
i did spread them but the splash damage from black nample is much greater than regular migs.
#4-PeTe-  Oct 17 2006, 19:38 PM -
I should of put it down that id do this. Thanks anyways cypher and i very much enjoyedd the game.
I think cypher is right about quasis playing too fair!
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