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CNC Generals

[R] CvC ZM Toughboys the PRO.

#1VeDz  Feb 14 2006, 03:51 AM -
Replays: 39 Game:
#2-Silent^1  Feb 14 2006, 03:55 AM -
Replays: 84 Game:
Ehh if u lose to him on this map.. u just sux :/
#3VeDz  Feb 14 2006, 04:03 AM -
Replays: 39 Game:
Here are some screenshots I took during our lovely time together.
#4Shinra  Feb 14 2006, 04:15 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
VeDzz, this will get a 1/10 because 1 of the players has no clue how to play this game xD its in the rules.


One or more players show now knowledge of common strategys
#5VeDz  Feb 14 2006, 04:17 AM -
Replays: 39 Game:
Yea it`s more of a show off replay cuz he`s so pro isn`t it?
#6Tomcat  Feb 14 2006, 04:43 AM -
Replays: 5 Game:
I once had a longer talk to this guy in the lobby... he is just unbelievable.

he thinks hes so fucking mature, and in every way better than any other gens player.

he works at a computer online shop (forgot the name) and he even uploads replays of matches vs good players he beat on the shop website! *lol*
#7kalman74  Feb 14 2006, 05:48 AM -
Replays: 3 Game:
thi hi hi hi I'w had many encounters with ZM too , and i know this is one of his favorite map to play, so I'l be excided to do a review of this if u don't mind ... ^^ i'm surprise u did not manage to get a screenshot taken of his favorite line: u got lucky Rookie..
#8Mundo  Feb 14 2006, 06:27 AM -
Replays: 13 Game:
LOL i remmeber he called me a rookie after i owned him. Was very funny line.
#9CarpeDiem  Feb 14 2006, 09:01 AM -
Replays: 9 Game:
This should be pinned in funnysection tongue.gif , only reps of beating zm +ss's whistling.gif
#10Cypher  Feb 14 2006, 12:17 PM -
Replays: 13 Game:
ZM still plays? I havent seen him for some months, guess he was playing with his 1000 noob accounts. Or moved to ZH with inf general.
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