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CNC Generals

Fun CW UvG against Justin

#1Murder-  Mar 12 2021, 23:42 PM -
Tried out a old BO instead of boring vee spam. Ended up being a fairly entertaining game back and forth. Recommend to watch if you want to see raptors in UvG.
#2ScOtSmAn  Mar 17 2021, 22:07 PM -
[SPQR]Caligula USA vs [DM]MurkeD GLA

The USA forces under the command of top Clanwar warrior and general [SPQR]Caligula do battle with the Global Liberation Army lead by the great one himself, [DM]MurkeD. Air superiority in the form of raptors against one of the slickest hit and run GLA forces on earth. When the dust of tournament desert settles, only one of these legendry warriors can remain standing.

[SPQR]Caligula USA

When done right oil grab and excellent use of air units is a superb way to approach any match against GLA, I was happy to see you pull it off with some success. You've demonstrated some good ability as a USA general here. I especially liked how well you recycled your pilots as people often overlook this.

Things to add to your game.

-It looks so much cooler if you drop the rangers into the bunkers without landing the chinooks. Remember being cool is 80% of playing as USA.
-Rangers are actually not that effective against quads, keep that in mind.
-If you go air against GLA you have to secure the map. The middle is so important in this situation, not taking it gave him free access to have a go at your base.
-Upgrade your raptor ASAP.
-Crusaders are useless against GLA. Free scraps pretty much.
-Suicide missions not so good when you are playing as the very expensive USA, the families back home in the good ole US of A won't be best pleased with you.

[DM]MurkeD GLA

Fast and effective build order enabled you to expand quickly and apply some early pressure. Good decision pushing through the middle early on and gaining a foothold there. Overall played well and really grew into the game, gaining confidence as it went on.

Things to add to your game.

-Some poor micro mistakes like losing quads to 1 Comanche.
-Should have secured flanks early on, destroyed oils, took them, or at least done more to prevent their capture. Too slow in dealing with them.
-Quads are really hopeless against missile defenders. Mix it up and use some techs as well.
-Quads are really good against crusaders however you ran away from 1 vs 6 at a crucial time in the game.
-More tunnels. Build a palace and some blackmarkets. Failing that a nice early CC and cash bounty.

An entertaining game to be sure with plenty of action that never seems to stop. Barring the odd micro mistake and a couple of poor decisions this is a really solid game between two seasoned pros. Well worth watching. 8/10
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