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CNC Generals

Squak vs Raptor- a new bo?

#1BLUEBULL  Sep 12 2014, 02:33 AM -
Replays: 21 Game:
A potential new BO that allows oil grab and fast terror tech at same time? Would it be effiecient? Also very GG made it to the very late money/sw stage
#2ScOtSmAn  Sep 12 2014, 11:15 AM -

nothing new lol, used this BO for years an years, not that great for TD but good on desert fury and silent river
#3HaWkY^  Sep 12 2014, 14:30 PM -

#4BLUEBULL  Sep 12 2014, 15:08 PM -
Replays: 21 Game:
shut up krew
#5trve^viking  Sep 12 2014, 15:30 PM -
bo is not new and its risky, if the tt dont hits and destroys something usa got money advantage and can counter attacks and oil easier cause u dont have a tunnel support there.

in that game it worked perfect, so squaak was a step behind, was close cause raptor then played sloppy tongue.gif
#6squaak  Sep 12 2014, 17:58 PM -
Replays: 63 Game:
I had a much better start than Raptor in this game.
I should have won easily actually.

The turning point was when I stupidly lost the 3 vees at right side after killing oil.
It gave him scrapped techs and those techs were able to kill a lot of units then.

Then I think I also made flash upgrade much too late so I couldn't attack middle at the good timing.

It's more me who lost the game than Raptor who won it.
The camping part was totally useless cause the game should have been won by gla at mid game already.
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