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uber game vs tony

#1]Z[euS  Mar 31 2005, 21:00 PM -
Replays: 9
a very good 1v1 vs tony i really liked it he have a nice gla so i really had much difficulties vs him , u guys need to whatc this one really w00t.gif
CvG review and plz gimme some tips about my errors so i can get better wink.gif
#2Aes.  Mar 31 2005, 21:50 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
Anyway, I watched the game. Extremely slow, but GG I guess.
This post has been edited by -SHINRA-: Mar 31 2005, 22:15 PM
#3Nubbe  Apr 1 2005, 13:13 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
Think both your starting strats + BOs was pretty bad.
You started of with middle bo without st rush (imo theres no excuse for this. Its just 500$ and it lets you scout your opponent v early on, and theres a big chanse you'll be able to kill a few workers and stuff too. ) followed by fast tech without any kind of rush. If you want to fast tech vs gla you should go for a flat bo. middle gives you a huge wide open base, and if he had just sent in some tech/rpgs to doser hunt, you would be dead. When you go middle you have to play offencive and not give him a chance to attack the back of your base. Allso, most of the time its best to get AF before prop vs gla. That dragon/th flank attack was nice, even though I think it would have been easier to just overpower the middle.

His strat was even worse; middle bo vs china with no tunnels at the back. If you had just st rushed (like most chinas do) the game would of been over in 3 min. Even if you didn't st rush he would have lost middle controll quickly if you had TC + TH rushed. He allso did a big mistake by going for 3rd sup before pallace. You'll need to tech as soon as u can afford it in gvc.

Noting speciall in this game really except for some action at the end. If Tony had stayed in the game a while longer, and managed to rebuild at the bottom, it could have got more intresting though... I'll vote 5/10
This post has been edited by Nubbe: Apr 1 2005, 13:44 PM
#4418  Apr 1 2005, 20:43 PM -
Replays: 4
Was fun to watch, gg guys.
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