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CNC Zero Hour

[R]WOW what a game!

#1RoHaN^  Feb 20 2013, 15:00 PM -
Replays: 28 Game:
Epic game good for watching

Review by -Darth^

[DD]UdayHussein having a little more army luck than -PoRn|oLoGe, randoming USA Air against his vUSA, quickly turns into a very interesting match when -PoRn|oLoGe decides to prevent the inevitable air superiority of his opponent with some good old manspam. A base swap situation ensues, featuring commanchies, combat chinooks, large vee forces, avengers and leaflets flying everywhere. Will the cunning infantry push bring the victory to the underdog or will the AirForce prove it's dominance in the USA Mirrors once again?


Your opponent tricked you pretty well and there was actually no way for you to scout the forward barracks, but in these kind of situations it's usually best to just fight fire with fire. You started making rangers, but i can't really tell why did you decide to not research flashbangs in the other barracks and loaded the vee with the rangers. Firebases can sometimes help, because they offer a quick AoE damage for USA. Also, you always have to watch your Humvees, because they tend to bug out if they're on attack move near enemy air units. You lost an entire engagement due to this and the game could've been over much sooner. But clever usage of AirForce strenghts and the mobility of your Air units proved too much for your opponent to handle.

It was pretty good that you kept your cool and saved the dozers, the supply center on the right flank was a good idea, you actually got quite a lot of money out of it. Going for the oil was also a good idea, even though you didn't get quite a lot out of it. As for the GenPower usage, it was simply brilliant!

Things to improve!
  • Always pay attention to your Humvees!
  • Try to estimate if the units are worth loading into the Humvees. Rangers without flashbangs are probably not worth it.
  • Try to keep an eye on your cash. Floating $4000 isn't that bad, but in these kind of games, one or two units can be the difference!


I liked your build, especially the fact that it wasn't obvious from the start. The only thing that was a little weird to me was the lack of rangers at the start, because a quick flashbangs would really put the hurt on you. The integration of Avengers into your forces was a great idea, but AirForce really has so many tools to stop vUSA's assaults that it was an uphill battle for you. The GenPower usage was quite good, but i felt that having one avenger sitting in the base would've helped you against those Combat Chinooks counter attacks.

I really don't know why did you destroy the oil on the right flank instead of trying to take it. You had barracks and rangers at that point and even just capturing it for a second would bring the money spent on it back. And it would also make an excellent buffer building against the Combat Chinook/Commanchies, as he would have to kill it too.

Things to improve!
  • Always spread out your units when you're close to the edge of the map where the Command Center is, because you get less time to react to the incoming GenPoint abilities
  • Always try to get the oils. The only reason to destroy the derrick should be that you can't get it yourself anymore or you can't control it (eg. it's on the opponent's side of map)
  • Always account for possible counter-attacks, especially if the opponent has a mobile units that can do a lot of damage quickly (Helixes, Combat Chinooks, Battle Busses etc.)
This post has been edited by -Darth^: Mar 19 2013, 22:47 PM
#2HuNtEr^(EGY)  Feb 21 2013, 06:39 AM -
Replays: 27 Game:
OMG very good game wubbed
#3-TheGeNeRaL^  Feb 21 2013, 23:01 PM -
gg , wubbed
#4Replaysystem  Feb 21 2013, 23:17 PM -

Replays: 0
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#5Slayd_CraVen  Feb 21 2013, 23:18 PM -
Replays: 16 Game:
holy dick sweet game
#6Serby  Feb 22 2013, 12:33 PM -
You gota be kidding with that BO! I looled, interesting game. wubbed
#7-Darth^  Feb 22 2013, 15:31 PM -
Replays: 129 Game:
gg, wubbed smile.gif

that vee retardness is starting to get legendary..
#8-Abed^  Feb 22 2013, 22:27 PM -
very nice game GG
#9-BuzZaRd^  Feb 25 2013, 11:24 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Cool game but let say that AF hadn't a good start! He should made at least 1 barrack with bunker to stop his rush and also made raptors to destory the chinooks. But anyway with this style it is a very nice game ...! I like and wub it, thx for replay!
#10RaGe^  Feb 25 2013, 20:42 PM -
Replays: 80
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