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CNC Zero Hour

[R]Tank vs Laser on ZH 1.06

#1ReLaX  Feb 26 2013, 08:41 AM -

Intense game between Taz and Bussy with movements forth and back.
I would like to write a review later on.

#2ReLaX  Feb 26 2013, 14:39 PM -


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7 / 10

● The drop itself was quite okay, but I think you should’ve focused trucks/units more. You damaged the supply whereas a BM was shooting at the laser patriot. A very fast drop is possible if you use a front supply which you sell after building. Will save you some ways.
● Early on you had like ~3k$ at one time, spend this money. Maybe in a FB or laser pat to protect your base on the right flank which was open for gats.
● You lost your middle vee carelessly
● Lost the last dozer. When you drop the 1st dozer will most likely die. Protect your 2nd one!
● You did a good job using your vees, but some died for nothing and burton died for nothing as well.

In the end you lost all your dozer which makes it hard anyway. You play good, liked you laserlocks.

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6,5 / 10

● You could have taken the pat down without losing one single BM. Apart from that nothing more you can do. BM are not very useful early game against USA, but try to use them.
● Perfect to catch his last dozer!
● Good flanking Gatts at both flanks. That delayed his eco a little bit.
● As you started to spam Gatts/ECMs don’t forget that China can use Chainguns which is in 1.06 of course more powerful and a must have in such a game!
● While you attacked in the middle try to use one single Gat for the flank to get his nooks!
● Your air support came too late.

Replay-Rating: 6,5/10
#3-Darth^  Feb 26 2013, 15:09 PM -
Replays: 129 Game:
Nice one wink.gif

I like that we use entirely different layouts.. Yours looks much better tho sad.gif

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#4cncHD  Feb 26 2013, 19:51 PM -

Replays: 1416 Game:
YEAH! Replay Reviews for the win biggrin.gif
good job
#5Squaggle  Feb 26 2013, 21:09 PM -

Great review! smile.gif
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