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CNC Zero Hour

[R] FIRESTORM You are a real crazy lol

#1Leikeze  Sep 27 2017, 14:07 PM -
-Wa7sh`(USA) vs ukFiReSToRm(China) on [NMC]Summer Arena

Here is a good action game that involves a move that you may have never seen work so well before. WAVES OF SUPPLY TRUCKS VS PATHFINDERS

Comments on -Wa7sh`:
  • Good drop, denying the Barracks he was building on the right side, killing the Dozer building it, and the going to harass his base, except you made a sad move, you evacuated you Humvee, but you didn't immediately LL the Helix, so you lost more MD's than you had to; You may have only lost one, then you could have done more damage by trying to deny his supply with them.
  • Your macro was failing you, as after you did you drop you didn't have a Humvee coming down that right side, which you saw was undefended by your Chinook flying back over it, to destroy that oil he took, which would have been done at the same time you were sending you 2nd Humvee down into his base after denying the middle oil.
  • Good denial of his main supply on the right side, but again, you emptied your Humvee and didn't LL the Helix immediately, so you lost the Humvee, which may have been saved had you been quicker, but at least this time you had all of your MD's survive, so you could do additional damage with them.
  • Good Dozer hunting, always do this if you can.
  • Your Humvee drop by his Airfield was a good one, but you didn't split the MD's quite far enough to save them, and at the same time against an infantry spamming China you need to remember than once his Dozers are gone, and he has an enormous mass of Tank Hunters and Red Guard that he is going to charge right into you base, at which time you will be dead, unless you have Pathfinders or a lot of Rangers with FB, because you surely didn't have enough to destroy his base before he destroyed yours.
  • Rangers with FB vs Red Guard: Run, Fire, & Repeat. Red Guard should not beat Rangers with FB, ever(of relative # of course).
  • Pathfinders wub.gif everybody's salvation from enemy infantry, or so we thought. laugh.gif
  • Overall: Good moves with the drops and around the map, but your micro speed was a bit lacking, and you often left your base void of activity whilst attacking or defending, and this is a bad thing against an Expert player.

Comments on FiReSToRm:
  • No time wasted on the oil grab; If only people could learn from this and know that it if you are intending to take the oils that you have to do so sparing no time.
  • Lots of infantry spammed, but they weren't in the right place at the right time, as he was coming down the sides. post-13661-1143531603.gif Nothing you could have done to predict this, and having a slow army didn't help react to what you could predict.
  • Good thing you got Black Napalm MiG's before your WF went down; That way you were able to destroy some of his Humvee drop, disallowing him to destroy your base before your army destroyed some of his and got his Dozers.
  • Supply Truck Terror, what a move, something I have actually never seen before. 10/10 move to counter Pathfinders. thumb.gif
  • Overall: Besides playing the slower army and getting Dozer hunted you showed your experience and fluid knowledge of the game throughout, wasting very little, despite having to rush in and sacrifice loads of men just to do damage.

I will give this replay an 8.5/10 for my entertainment, and would encourage giving it a Wub. wub.gif
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