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CNC Zero Hour

ECMs muff, E-C-Mssssuh

#1Leikeze  Dec 9 2020, 23:44 PM -
$337.51 if it gets right one that watches.

#2Moliere  Dec 10 2020, 01:39 AM -
Short but intense Nuke vs Tank.

Both player did well at defending, or maybe did horrendous at attacking, guess a bit of both : Nuke lost couple of BM attempting to harass supplies without getting anything done, then tank pushed back only to lose as much without killing anything.

That evened up the field, which normally means nuke is going to win. Unless...

Leikeze IPB Image

Managed to stop first 4 battle masters without losing anything at the start, except very well placed mines on a box. However, you wasted the entiere advantage your defensive stance got you by messing up with your own offensive. Ennemy overlord came just in time to stop your units, but it didn't prevent you from throwing more at them which was a bit painfull to see biggrin.gif

Well, guess you forgot to change your rally point as you were busy microing that one tank hunter. And actually, that was probably worth it ! Took down the propaganda center just like this.

You still wasted too much and were left with 4 big nuke overlords running straigh to finish you. Hopefully for you, you had the perfect and cheapest counter ready and were able to micro your keys units perfectly this time.

Queenmuff IPB Image

Trying to play agressive as usual, even when matched against the known defensive player that has the weaker late game army. Gotta respect the confidence to play your own game like that, but it clearly didn't pay off this time. None of your harass battle masters reached sucess : four died for nothing at the start which left you vulnerable to a counterpush.

Fortunately the propaganda still came decently fast and was ready just in time to save you from a one sided stomp. Good overlord micro and bad multitasking from your opponent allowed you to get back all the advantage you fed him at the start. You just failed to deal with that one game-changing tank hunter on the hut that had sneaked into your prop.

The decision to push after you lost the propaganda was definitely right : you were behind in economy and couldn't rely anymore on more ovies or nukecanon to outpace tank units. Unfortunately you weren't able to bring back support in time to your overlords army after they all got disabled by a blop of ECMs.

In the end, it came done to a micro and multitasking matchup because of your will to play it this way, instead of chosing to play an unbalanced more macro oriented game with the nuke. Prop to you for chosing the more skilled way, it made up for a good game, even tho you ended up being its eventual loser.

Overall a nice, fast and fast paced double wf mirror game with a few clutch moments, but with a lot of units poorly wasted. Couldn't really tell the winner until the final key engagement, which was pretty satisfying to watch.
This post has been edited by Moliere: Dec 10 2020, 02:04 AM
#3Leikeze  Dec 10 2020, 02:06 AM -
Ah, a lovely review.

This was both one of my best & worst games after coming back, in terms of my micro/macro. I was all over the place until the final few minutes when I began to address the major threats that remained, hoping that I could swing things with a 200 IQ move instead of playing well. biggrin.gif

No Wub = sad.gif
#4-ExiLe`  Dec 11 2020, 15:43 PM -
Replays: 30 Game:

Hey that's sounds like EZmuff biggrin.gif
#5Leikeze  Dec 11 2020, 19:47 PM -
QUOTE(-ExiLe` @ Today, 10:43 AM)

Hey that's sounds like EZmuff biggrin.gif

Depends on your accent. It sounds like Eee-See-Muff for me.
#6fastAiR  Dec 22 2020, 12:37 PM -
Replays: 95 Game:
QUOTE(Leikeze @ Dec 9 2020, 23:44 PM)
$337.51 if it gets right one that watches.


What’s this mean? You’ll give me 300 bucks if I watch it?

I think vs nuke all you need is 10 ecms and one gattling tank and you’ll win
This post has been edited by fastAiR: Dec 22 2020, 12:41 PM
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