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CNC Zero Hour

Comms vs some GLA

#1fastAiR  Mar 15 2021, 23:42 PM -
Replays: 95 Game:
Closer then it should be, gg
#2Phoenix-  Mar 16 2021, 07:21 AM -

Replays: 519 Game:
Insaneeeee Tank vs Air. Definitely wub.
#3Serby  Mar 17 2021, 04:51 AM -
QUOTE(Phoenix- @ Yesterday, 08:21 AM)
Insaneeeee Tank vs Air. Definitely wub.

Well after watching I must agree with this statement. You didn't even sold CC thum.gif That can do only expert level of playa or near expert at least. Good placement of early raptors, they did their job by killing 1 teh. Also I noticed maybe even best move in whole "DA GAME" when he was harrasing your base with 7+ quads and u have only 5+ commanches, you used fake move and gave order raptor to attack quads and actually used that moment to kill all his quads while they were shooting in raptor and looking into fastair. Great move really it is so pro thum.gif
Also perfect moving commanches via whole map, killing his racs, then brave move to shoot at his undefended tunnel and stinger. After that u killed his wf probably because he placed stinger so badly but who I am to lower your good playa, that's his fault. After that great use of gen promotions, even I couldn't do it better. Also u can improve a bit by bringing your chinoks to defend commanches from rpg and stingers, but again who I am to say that.
Defo wubbed maybe even gold replay (from my perspective) I love it, u improved lately, but on the other hand u really are Fastair, now just to catch few stairs.....
Fully watched whole replay 8 times.
Me like this laugh.gif
#4Phoenix-  Mar 17 2021, 07:53 AM -

Replays: 519 Game:
QUOTE(Serby @ Today, 05:51 AM)

Well after watching I must agree with this statement. You didn't even sold CC thum.gif That can do only expert level of playa or near expert at least. Good placement of early raptors, they did their job by killing 1 teh. Also I noticed maybe even best move in whole "DA GAME" when he was harrasing your base with 7+ quads and u have only 5+ commanches, you used fake move and gave order raptor to attack quads and actually used that moment to kill all his quads while they were shooting in raptor and looking into fastair. Great move really it is so pro thum.gif
Also perfect moving commanches via whole map, killing his racs, then brave move to shoot at his undefended tunnel and stinger. After that u killed his wf probably because he placed stinger so badly but who I am to lower your good playa, that's his fault. After that great use of gen promotions, even I couldn't do it better. Also u can improve a bit by bringing your chinoks to defend commanches from rpg and stingers, but again who I am to say that.
Defo wubbed maybe even gold replay (from my perspective) I love it, u improved lately, but on the other hand u really are Fastair, now just to catch few stairs.....
Fully watched whole replay 8 times.
Me like this laugh.gif

Wait.. Wasn't this Tank vs Air? biggrin.gif
#5fastAiR  Mar 17 2021, 21:16 PM -
Replays: 95 Game:
QUOTE(Serby @ Today, 04:51 AM)

Well after watching I must agree with this statement. You didn't even sold CC thum.gif That can do only expert level of playa or near expert at least. Good placement of early raptors, they did their job by killing 1 teh. Also I noticed maybe even best move in whole "DA GAME" when he was harrasing your base with 7+ quads and u have only 5+ commanches, you used fake move and gave order raptor to attack quads and actually used that moment to kill all his quads while they were shooting in raptor and looking into fastair. Great move really it is so pro thum.gif
Also perfect moving commanches via whole map, killing his racs, then brave move to shoot at his undefended tunnel and stinger. After that u killed his wf probably because he placed stinger so badly but who I am to lower your good playa, that's his fault. After that great use of gen promotions, even I couldn't do it better. Also u can improve a bit by bringing your chinoks to defend commanches from rpg and stingers, but again who I am to say that.
Defo wubbed maybe even gold replay (from my perspective) I love it, u improved lately, but on the other hand u really are Fastair, now just to catch few stairs.....
Fully watched whole replay 8 times.
Me like this laugh.gif

lol thanks
I feel this was half sarcasm and half genuine? :>

The rap was basically futile at that point, no more techs to kill, so yea suicide it for distracting fire. My timing was really bad there tbh, I killed most of his quads but then 2 survived and I lost 2/3 comms to them.

The carpet was good, wasted the spectre as he saw it coming and cancelled supply scaff, I should have waited for it to be built ofc

My defending of chinooks was non-existant in this game

Donut keeps CC most games, I returned the favour
#6Phoenix-  Mar 17 2021, 21:42 PM -

Replays: 519 Game:

Let's call it half sarcasm.
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