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CNC Zero Hour

xG vs DriNK

#11Boarder  Jul 26 2006, 08:36 AM -
Replays: 7 Game:
xG ofcourse size owned!!!!!!!!!!! well it wasn't that hard to own size just spammed outposts with ecm's biggrin.gif
#12Espo  Jul 26 2006, 09:55 AM -
Replays: 1
The bot size... innocent.gif

#13WarCrimes  Jul 26 2006, 11:08 AM -
it would be nice to see a helix at the end clearing out those anoying gamma tunnels . smile.gif
#14Yumi  Jul 26 2006, 11:33 AM -
Replays: 33 Clan: H2 Game:
Was a fairly good game, I think Blind shoulda gone Migs instead of Prop though since Emperors/ECMs aren't as useful as Mig support is imo. Also Tox shoulda got some Black Markets to keep going tongue.gif
#15Boarder  Jul 26 2006, 12:08 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
a 8 wow that's very very high
#16HuMBuG  Jul 26 2006, 13:50 PM -
Replays: 30 Game:
for those who keep getting errors when watching the game - dont click to watch players, and try not to click on units/buildings
#17Boarder  Jul 26 2006, 20:19 PM -
Replays: 7 Game:
ok ty size smile.gif
#18EteRnaL  Jul 26 2006, 22:56 PM -
Team DriNk-: IPB Image and IPB Image
Normally Tox/Tank would be a great combo to have in a 2v2 but that Infantry player threw a monkey wrench into the works. tongue.gif It's so frustrating to play Tank against Infantry because you're disadvantaged in every stage of the game - since your two biggest counters (gatt/TH and MiGs) are so expensive for you that they're really not that viable early game. Toxin really did a number on Demo all throughout this game which was really important in keeping your team afloat. Despite the fact that Infantry was pretty turtled up it would have been nice to have seen some of that aggression go against him though. Toxin is by far the best GLA against Infantry, so 1 technical could have caused him a world of pain. Tank did well enough to hang on against osme pretty aggressive Inf playing. Getting MiGs earlier could have helped though. Once you have the economy there's nothing stopping you. As soon as you did get an AF up you had SO much more freedom to use your ground units effectively. Unfortunately it was so late in the game by then that constant artillery/carpets were making it hard for you to keep an AF up. tongue.gif Some nice BB micro from Tox when it looked like Tank was going to get overrun. There were so many times when it looked like Tank was done for but somehow (through individual play or teamwork) he managed to come back.

Team xG`: IPB Image and IPB Image
Infantry went for a pretty standard WF/rax build, but he bunkered up the entrance to his base which is a slight variation. That bunker actually came in quite handy when you were staring down Tank's formidable Emperor/ECM combo. biggrin.gif You did go for MiGs interestingly enough. Clearly they weren't intended for the Tank player (vet gatts would rip them up) but they DID come in quite handy once Demo was being bombarded by Tox's Gamma BBs. Demo was nearly dead throughout this entire game - most of it can be attributed to a shaky early game start which the Tox player smartly exploited. It was a lot of fun to watch the Demo player just barely hanging on with only 1 half-dead supply to save his life in the game. tongue.gif It was only later on when he could muster a BB or two did the struggle to stay alive paid off. Even though this game did end before its natural conclusion I would have to say that your team was in a better position. Infantry clearly had the best late-game cash flow, and it's lucky that Inf is pretty much the only China team that gets a half-decent late game econ. In the end those AO/ECM combos are tough to beat when microed correctly, even for a full teched Toxin.

Summary: Very nice game, really entertaining. There were so many times when I thought the Demo an the Tank player were going to die but somehow they clung to life. I think this one's Elite and worthy of an RotW nomination.

Game Rating: 7.5
#19[OoE]MiRaGE  Jul 27 2006, 05:28 AM -
fun game to watch, well played by size.
I'll disagree with the reviewer and say the tox play was rather poor after the initial TT on demo, nice lack of markets wacko.gif, he could have taken over the latter part of the game where no1 really had many units. But he did save his partner a couple of times.
And yeah blind should have gone migs earlier.

#20bliNd-  Jul 28 2006, 13:10 PM -
Replays: 25 Game:
Yea I needed migs earlier but I felt I needed some ground units to fight off infs ao spam so keeping my army SUPLIED with new troops all the time kept my economy quite low so I couldn't get migs untill it was too late post-13661-1143531603.gif
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