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CNC Zero Hour

[R] -ToS- vs [ZAFT]

#1Spell  Aug 5 2005, 12:28 PM -
ok this was a v nice and close game 2 watch.
ToS had tank and usav on their side.
so the usav decided 2 drop the usaf wich went horrible wrong.
on the other side the drop of the usaf player (better known as Bahamut) actualy did worked.
so tos decided 2 dubble usaf as fast as thye culd,
but is it enough cause the usav player has lots humvees now.
watch and find it
worth a review imo and no flame replies thx
#2^General  Aug 5 2005, 21:18 PM -
Replays: 177 Game:
Its a fun game, lots of action, some mistakes, like the failed drop, especailly at the end when the humers got owned, as soon as he saw them he should have pressed x and spread them out! would have limited the damage i think and he probly would have won. The flamer in the nook was cool, but would have been better if you had made more effort to sneak it in.
#3NiKe  Aug 5 2005, 23:11 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
why do you talk in the 3rd person?
#4Spell  Aug 5 2005, 23:55 PM -
doesnt it makes me look sexy? sad.gif
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