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CNC Zero Hour

[R] CoOLiO vs AToM1c

#1GirlZ  Apr 10 2006, 17:58 PM -
Just wow, all I can say really. Just played it, it felt like a real good game, watched it once and it seemed like it was. Was looking for one to win, then for the other, switched couple of times... huge battles. Enjoy.smile.gif
#2Tr][ky  Apr 10 2006, 21:20 PM -
Replays: 122 Game:
Well..... quads lol tongue.gif

Nah, you played well considering your bad start imo. U took the mid at the right time and just outplayed him smile.gif
#3^General  Apr 11 2006, 11:26 AM -
Replays: 177 Game:
funny game
#4GirlZ  Apr 11 2006, 13:59 PM -
Yeah I think it was actually. smile.gif
#5  Apr 11 2006, 16:39 PM -
Replays: 464
Coolio vs Atomic
Stealth Mirror



Started well, good use of boxing your supplys in with a fake building, started well getting a tunnel behind atomics next to his oil smile.gif
You had the middle tunneled and you held that quite good at the start, cleared away atomics left flank but you left your unsafe unguarded with no units in the tunnels to support you because they were attacking sad.gif
Atomic cleared you unsafe but didnt destroy it proberly, you recovered there wink.gif
You then lost the middle to some spammage of quad rpg/s and then lost your unsafe again but proberly this time sad.gif Demo traps maybe ?
You got the oils to help you out because you lost the unsafe biggrin.gif
The toxtractor mirco sucked in the middle, if you spray toxin make sure you move the tractor before it gets owned because the spray will not stay long if its destroyed will still spraying wink.gif
You got your CC up before a palace or a second AD wacko.gif I know you got the rebel ability but in this replay som1 needed to get a palace and buggies wacko.gif Buggies + jarmen > Quad rpg.. but you both just spammed quads at each other post-13661-1143531603.gif
Nice use of the gen points when you got them, forcing him to sell his AD+RAX and owning a quad tongue.gif
You took back your mapcontrol and went onto 4supplys and you just won from here, atomic had no chance vs 4supply quad spam smile.gif


Nice agressive build, with flanking tunnels on each flank and using the workers once they finished to go and collect supplys nice tongue.gif
You did very well at the start took back the middle which you lost, and took coolio's unsafe supply 2x wink.gif With nice multi attacks when coolio's armys were not in the tunnels smile.gif
I liked your quad/rpg spam with a little tox tractor in the middle owning coolio's rpg tongue.gif
You went for an early CC and got the GPS scramber upgrade which was quite handy for you, using it for pop attacks in the middle and on his oil smile.gif
You later went for another armsdealer, i would of liked to see you go for a palace sad.gif Buggies + jarmen were the units i really missed badly in this game sad.gif
You lost the middle sadly sad.gif But you did the oil closet to you for some support smile.gif
From here it was just a fight of the most scrapped up quads... And coolio came into your base with his last attack of 4scraped quads and then used his sneak attack you gave up smile.gif


This replay was a bit different to a normal GLA mirror, this replay for me was more concentrated on MASS spamming quads and tunnels rather than buggie mirco sad.gif The replay was quite entertaining and showed some skills and a good comeback from coolio after being knocked down onto 1supply. But for me, i missed buggie wars, with jarmen sad.gif Still a good game though, just iam quite picky about my gla mirrors smile.gif

Coolio - 6.5
Atomic - 6

Replay - 6

This post has been edited by Apollo-: Apr 11 2006, 16:44 PM
#6HuMaN1ty  Apr 11 2006, 16:47 PM -
U make nice reviews ^^
#7GirlZ  Apr 11 2006, 16:58 PM -
Hehe thnx for review.

I went for CC, since GPS Scrambler was something I really needed.. He already had it, and those things were so darn annoying!

And yes, it was indeed quite a quad spam, but then again, just a couple of buggies won't help vs mass quads, since he'll still be able to get into your base, ESPECIALLY with stealthed quads, and for that reason I went quad spam tbh. smile.gif
This post has been edited by GirlZ: Apr 11 2006, 16:58 PM
#8  Apr 11 2006, 17:44 PM -
Replays: 464
valid reason smile.gif
#9sCaLe-  Apr 11 2006, 18:01 PM -
Apollo your reviews are cool wink.gif ..
#10Yumi  Apr 11 2006, 19:50 PM -
Replays: 33 Clan: H2 Game:
Atom1k needed more Tunnels and less Quads imo, he had a great start killing your expo but then should have played defensively rather than sending his Quads halfway across the map.
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