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CNC Zero Hour

[R] GLA vs Tank

#1Yumi  Mar 24 2006, 22:13 PM -
Replays: 33 Clan: H2 Game:
Blah, I'm not too good at harrassing China early on as GLA so he got map control and a very solid defense up. It's very hard playing against a China who has a massive ground based army and loads of Helixes in they sky ph34r.gif I knew I was done fairly early on but kept fighting and it turned out to be pretty entertaining happy.gif
#2mweissen  Mar 24 2006, 23:05 PM -
prom 5 ... must be a juju game then innocent.gif
oh, wait, it's from smeagol smilie_naughty.gif
#3LoCUTu5  Mar 24 2006, 23:18 PM -
Probably lots of 2 chev bm's - > prom 5 really fast...
juju, becareful... smeagol is catching up with u.... smile.gif
#4mweissen  Mar 24 2006, 23:23 PM -
no, actually there were none. but all of them were upgraded with nuke engines + shells, so there were some nice chain-reactions when they exploded.
#5HaWkY^  Mar 25 2006, 10:45 AM -
gona watch now
#6ReLaX  Mar 25 2006, 13:05 PM -

Cool Game, funny how u tried to use terrorists right and cant kill WF.

#7Doomy  Mar 25 2006, 15:19 PM -
Replays: 2 Game:
u could have won =O even close to the end tongue.gif
#8Yumi  Mar 25 2006, 15:27 PM -
Replays: 33 Clan: H2 Game:
First Tech Terr was a nightmare yeah >< Would have helped a lot if it hadn't messed up.
#9-rOfL the real 1-  Mar 26 2006, 13:28 PM -
Replays: 4 Game:
very boring game imo, Tank just camping + Gla no pressure , waiting Tank to attack + bb + quad spam cry.gif

not a nice watch imo blush.gif

BUT gla handled it qu9ite good to stay alive that long...
#10EteRnaL  Mar 27 2006, 03:31 AM -
-FaKe|Yumi: IPB Image
You had a shaky start that kind of set the pace for the rest of the game. Your first tech/terror bombed tongue.gif What happened is when you released the terrorists the techincal got in the way making them easy targets for his gatt. You might want to stager the release of your terrorists instead of pressing the "V" button all at once, which might help in the future! I really would have liked to have seen more in the way of technical harassment after that, though. I know you were busy defending your base (which you did quite nicely I might add) but you essentially let him tech up and grab 4 supplies with basically no resistance. He had such a huge economy that he was able to get a number of helixes, which are darned expensive for Tank and ended up causing you the most problems. You started playing really well though once you knew you were backed into a corner. Loved your unit mixing! Scud launchers/angry mobs actually worked a great deal against Tank. If you had been playing that well at the start of the game I think you would have been in a very good position to win. wink.gif

[Red]Army: IPB Image
You did a great job of kicking him out of the center and getting those supplies for yourself. With 4 supplies and 2 oils you were able to get those very expensive Tank helixes which helped a great deal when it came to keeping his battle busses from out of your base. It was kind of interesting how you decided not to go for elite battle master training. I'm assuming you were afraid you would level him up too quickly if you did, although as we saw he got to level 5 soon enough anyway. tongue.gif Considering you had so much money you really should have teched a little sooner. By the time GLA has battle busses you idealy should have some ECMs yourself. The first time you attacked GLA's base your attack group was really nicely mixed, but subsequent times you only had one ECM, which didn't cut it vs masses of BBs. wink.gif This was part of the reason why he was able to last as long as he did. With all the money you had you were able to get just about every upgrade under the sun (including the upgrades from the nuke that you built biggrin.gif ) the only one you didn't get, however, was Nationalism. It greatly increases the Horde bonus, which is very helpful if your main attack force is comprised of BMs. smile.gif

Summary: Well this was an ok game. It was really once sided for quite a while, but the GLA player was able to hang on for a while! There were some parts of the game where GLA was turtling and Tank was building up, which isn't too entertaining to watch, but the ensuing battles were a bit more fun.

Game Rating: 6
This post has been edited by EteRnaL: Mar 27 2006, 03:32 AM
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