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CNC Zero Hour

[R] INSANE Usaf vs Inf

#1GirlZ  Sep 27 2005, 21:22 PM -
But altho the lineup might not sound that good, i found the game extremely fun to play.

I'd like a LOT of tips plz; cause as you can see in the rep i kinda fu***** things up for myself by not taking care of flank (inf' TC's are way overpowered..)

Funny comeback tho. smile.gif

#2IceBliZz^  Sep 28 2005, 21:30 PM -
ok i just watched the game and here is my review smile.gif


+ ok you was abit unsure what inf was doing so you scanned middle and once you saw he was going middle you built a rax.

+good job putting a firbase in the middle.

+ got flash bangs always the key thing when usa is playing inf.

+had to start building in the middle but you defended it very well.

+good humvee microand well done by putting rangers in your vee's usally i see people put just missle defenders against inf wacko.gif

+good use of gens abilites(when you finally got them tongue.gif)

+captured the left oil always a good thing to give you extra income.

-ok i still dont understand why you went raptors vs inf personally i would of gone dual rax and got a wf.

-at the start you pretty much focused to much on the middle and let him got a troop crawler through which basically took your base.

those where the main mistakes i saw other then that you did well to win the game so i give you 6/10


+ ok you BO, you went middle and got dual rax always a good thing when playing usa.

+ sneaked a troop crawler up the left flank and took his raptors and nooks with it.

+ good use of gens abillites.

+ got black napel migs always a good thing when facing humvees.

+ got inferno cannons to take out his defensive.

-you was too slow getting your power up.

-should of got migs earlier.

-you was floting 5k at one point with out a prop.

- you had no map awarness i mean you flew a mig in his base and left it over his humvee..

- got black napalm on your migs way to late.

overall i give you 4/10 mainly because you had no map awarness and teched up to late.

overall this game was well played by [iE]GirlZ but his opponent was to sloppy and lost the game due to that, this game get a rating 5/10 smile.gif

#3ethelon  Sep 28 2005, 21:46 PM -
Replays: 0
dudes this is bfme forum take this shit elsewere
#4^General  Sep 28 2005, 21:58 PM -
Replays: 177 Game:
errr no, lol, this is zh forum.
#5IceBliZz^  Sep 28 2005, 21:59 PM -
lmao thats got to be comment of the month tongue.gif
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