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CNC Zero Hour

[R] tank vrs tank

#1LEGENDARY2  Apr 18 2005, 01:56 AM -
Replays: 1
good tank mirror
This post has been edited by BlckWyerve: Apr 18 2005, 17:16 PM
#2EXTR3M3  Apr 18 2005, 01:57 AM -
Replays: 3
i will watch
#3Blck  Apr 18 2005, 05:36 AM -
Replays: 0 Game:
Deh Blck Review

Player: everto|LEGENDARY
Side: China Tank
Team: None

Pros: Good unit mixing and tank dropping to harrass his supplies and WF. How you managed to kill all those units when you were down to like 3 buildings was absolutly amazing. That was just class when you got his CC and just unloaded all your generals power right from inside his base. tongue.gif Great lotus usage.

Cons: Not really any flank attacks except for that Helix. OMFG, CAN YOU SAY CASH FLOAT? Over $15,000 at one point. Jeez. tongue.gif Not really a con, but don't you hate it when you think lotus is capturing your supply and you sell, but really it was cash hack? You end up out $1725. Not that it mattered with all that cash you were floating.

Player: WReKz
Side: China Tank
Team: None

Pros: Good mixing too. You held on after half your base was gone from lotus and you definetly payed him back by taking half of his. tongue.gif Just great gameplay. I don't want to give away too much since this is really a good game.

Cons: Your use of general's powers was odd. Like above, still could have done with a few more flank attacks.

Overall: VERY entertaining replay to watch. I was definetly surprised by who won. WP, just barely not ROTW.

8/10 smile.gif
#4Sparky  Apr 18 2005, 18:34 PM -
Such horrible micro, especially from yellow with his ECM Tanks. Also, you clear mines with a dozer, not with a BATTLEMASTER dry.gif

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