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CNC Zero Hour

[R]interesting china versus nuke

#1pi314159  Apr 16 2005, 00:45 AM -
Replays: 6
a recent CW... came to a nice end... very close... and we were both out of cash! tongue.gif
#2pi314159  Apr 16 2005, 04:39 AM -
Replays: 6
no replys?
#3GiGaNToR  Apr 16 2005, 06:38 AM -
Replays: 11
rofl crazy game
#4AceCombat  Apr 16 2005, 19:07 PM -
Replays: 5
I really enjoyed this game, it was very funny and nice to watch
#5firgli  Apr 16 2005, 19:37 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
yea was a nice game biggrin.gif
#6pi314159  Apr 16 2005, 20:16 PM -
Replays: 6
Rating? Review? Plx?
#7^General  Apr 17 2005, 15:18 PM -
Replays: 177 Game:
Well for obvious reasons im not goin to review it, but its a pretty exciting game even tho i lost. Your helix micro was horrible tongue.gif, im not completely sure wot mistakes i made or why i lost, but in the end i think i just couldnt cope with the helix and the ground units. Maybe helix is > flanking wf?
#8pi314159  Apr 17 2005, 17:55 PM -
Replays: 6
My helix micro wasn't terrible... I just willingly sacrificed a couple to damamge your ground forces.

Besides, both of us were all over the map... our gatts had a lock on my helixes so it's not like moving them around a lot would have done much anyways tongue.gif
#9Murder  Apr 17 2005, 20:26 PM -
Watching now, will review soon smile.gif
#10Murder  Apr 17 2005, 20:52 PM -
-fake2|SDI -> China
[xL]DarkLord -> China Nuke

  • Wierd build, 3 dozers, but got up dual supplies in back, a middle WF and Rax, AND both oils fairly fast
  • Mixed well, BMs, TH, Dragons, and Gatts
  • Was able to kill Darklord faster than he killed you
  • Good use of TNT
  • Fairly lousy Helix micro at times
  • Not much else really, never got Tech though 0wn3d.gif
Using a wierd build, SDI was able to get a fair amount of money quickly, while getting the middle under control. Good unit mixing negated the spotty Helix micro, and although DarkLord was able to get his Propaganda Center up, SDI prevented him from benefitting from it. SDI played fairly well, excluding a few errors smile.gif

Rating: 7.5/10

  • Used a flank WF to hurt SDI economically
  • Used Dragons well
  • Good use of TNT
  • Got tech, but couldn't use it
  • Dual WF is better IMO than WF + Rax, especially as your TH are more expensive than China's
Darklord played an average game. Losing the battle for the middle set him back, although an effective use of a flank War Factory enabled him to hurt SDI's economy. Eventually Darklord just succumbed to SDI's effective mixing and stronger economy.

Rating: 6/10


Both players were average in this game, although SDI's stronger economy and effective use of many different units got him the win. A Gatt or some BMs and some TH, who is gonna kill the other first tongue.gif This game was fairly short but also pretty entertaining.

Rating: 7/10
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