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CNC Zero Hour

[R] luckyyyy

#1fuego123  Apr 3 2005, 13:40 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
wut a luckky guy i dunno y i didint kill his humvbess w/e watch da ending is bulllllshit luckyest son of a bitch ever =o
#2firgli  Apr 3 2005, 14:09 PM -
Replays: 18 Game:
short replay = short review smile.gif


you did a pretty unusual strat as tank, going mid vs usav which is like the worst option so i hope this was a random match WTF.gif . bad micro and even worse macro lost you the game very fast, nice try with the flanking flamer and ok it was pretty close but u shud've concentrated on his HUMVEE not on that rax because the humvee was killing u. Why did u make prop btw, even without power smilie_naughty.gif . 4/10


You had a nice mid counter there and was really pwning him. thumb.gif some nice hummer micro and it was over in 3 mins zzzz. maybe defend a bit better vs his flamer 0wn3d.gif . 6/10

entertainment rating: wow this isnt really entertaining, its too short, only the flamer was fun. 4.5/10

gameplay rating: LOL wont say anything, rating speaks for itself. 3/10

All game was an pwnage game too fast and you could say from the start who was going to win. Dont post game of urself being owned laugh.gif . 4/10
#3Sparky  Apr 3 2005, 14:10 PM -
Why was he lucky? He just microed his humvees and LL your bm. Where's the luck?

Btw: he was USAV, not USAF
This post has been edited by Shady: Apr 3 2005, 14:14 PM
#4LaKai  Apr 3 2005, 15:06 PM -
Replays: 11
lol did u post the right replay fuego??
#5fuego123  Apr 9 2005, 21:58 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
yep lol .. w/e i don't really care .. i don't think it was that bad of a post for a new zh player ... i play a lil diffrent but tanks man cost alot more so dat changed my startagy a lil 2 i let him humvees kill my guys cuz i got cocky and went for the warfac and then his base .. w/e i know i didint do bad for a ccg player tongue.gif
#6fuego123  Apr 9 2005, 21:59 PM -
Replays: 6 Game:
Shady.. the luck is at the end .. he had one unit let one humvee and onebuildin and i almost killed it but he killed my bm and gat first =/
#7LaKai  Apr 9 2005, 22:26 PM -
Replays: 11
fuego are u commin on ts server??
#8ApOstle  Apr 11 2005, 03:34 AM -
Replays: 1
Fuego u suck in ccg, and u have a mh dude in ur ccg clan Os the pawner
#9firgli  Apr 11 2005, 11:48 AM -
Replays: 18 Game:
pls dont flame/mh accuasations/ts thingys or ill lock it =]
#10fuego123  Apr 18 2005, 02:20 AM -
Replays: 6 Game:
FC|ApOstle ur a fukin noob man u always quit 1v1s when u face me cuz ur lil shit rushes dont work
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